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Wasteland 3, the big new squad-based role-playing game from inXile entertainment has a new trailer plus a release date. Today, they confirmed May 19 next year for Linux, macOS and Windows.

Moving away from the scorching deserts of post-apocalypse Arizona to the frosty mountains of Colorado, you've been promised aid to keep your own home alive if you help the self-proclaimed Patriarch of Colorado rescue it from the ambitions of their bloodthirsty children. inXile are promising it will be full of challenging tactical combat, exploration, a deep story full of twists and ethical decision making.

There's also a fancy new trailer, showing some actual gameplay for you to hook your eyes into below:

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Wasteland 3 will feature single-player and co-op, so you don't have to brave the cold alone. I do like the sound of having a customizable battle truck, will be interesting to see what crazy powerful vehicle we're able to unleash.

The good news is that you do not need to play Wasteland 2, inXile head honcho Brian Fargo mentioned that it's a fresh story so you can go in cold.

You can pre-order for £54.99/$59.99/€59.99, wishlist, follow or whatever else on GOG and Steam.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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scaine Nov 14, 2019
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Man, the DJ/narrator in that video has an incredible voice. Between Bastion, Transistor and Portal 2, I'm begining to realise that I'm an absolute sucker for really excellent voice acting. It's the make or break of good sound design. Plus Wasteland 2 was excellent. I have high hopes for this!
wytrabbit Nov 15, 2019
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To all the people last year who immediately assumed inXile being acquired by Microsoft meant the end of their Linux ports, you should try to keep an open mind next time.
slaapliedje Nov 15, 2019
Quoting: wytrabbitTo all the people last year who immediately assumed inXile being acquired by Microsoft meant the end of their Linux ports, you should try to keep an open mind next time.
Huh, well considering they were already making Wasteland 3 for Linux when MS bought them, the fact they said they were still going to release Wasteland 3 for Linux, has ZERO effect on whether or not any future games they're going to work on after the acquisition is going to support Linux.

So, that possibility is still very strong. We knew this game was still coming out for us. Here's the problem, their last few games were all backed via kickstarter, when their fans could say they wanted Linux support. Look how long it still took BD4 to come out, and that's only because Brian is an upstanding developer! But now that MS is going to be funding the games, I'll still say I'll be shocked if we get support.
Phlebiac Nov 15, 2019
Quoting: wytrabbitTo all the people last year who immediately assumed inXile being acquired by Microsoft meant the end of their Linux ports, you should try to keep an open mind next time.

The game was crowd-funded with the promise of a Linux version, so I would say they had a prior obligation for this game. It's future games where the likelihood significantly decreases.
Nevertheless Nov 15, 2019
Quoting: wytrabbitTo all the people last year who immediately assumed inXile being acquired by Microsoft meant the end of their Linux ports, you should try to keep an open mind next time.

That would be me then. Only the Linux support of Wasteland 3 was promised in the Fig campaign way before they were aquired by Microsoft. It was clear they would stay true to their word given for Bards Tale 4 and Wasteland 3. Lets wait for the next game...
wytrabbit Nov 15, 2019
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I don't understand the reason to automatically assume the worst. There is no definitive evidence supporting either theory, so why not keep an open mind? You don't have to get your hopes up, but you're making assumptions without any support. Microsoft bought them but we're not privy to how much control and influence MS exerts on inXile internally. Being negative at this point benefits nobody.

Last edited by wytrabbit on 15 November 2019 at 2:32 am UTC
Shmerl Nov 15, 2019
Quoting: wytrabbitTo all the people last year who immediately assumed inXile being acquired by Microsoft meant the end of their Linux ports, you should try to keep an open mind next time.

Wasteland 3 had Linux release commitment from inXile before they were bought by MS. I backed their campaign for it while they were still and independent company. And MS so far didn't interfere with that.

But I wouldn't use it for setting the expectation of what to come. Their future games might as well become all locked into MS only systems.

Last edited by Shmerl on 15 November 2019 at 2:41 am UTC
Shmerl Nov 15, 2019
Quoting: wytrabbitI don't understand the reason to automatically assume the worst. There is no definitive evidence supporting either theory, so why not keep an open mind? You don't have to get your hopes up, but you're making assumptions without any support. Microsoft bought them but we're not privy to how much control and influence MS exerts on inXile internally. Being negative at this point benefits nobody.

You can assume knowing who MS are, especially Phil Spencer and their whole gaming division that he commands. Where is their participation in the Vulkan working group? If they can't even do that much, how do you think they view Linux gaming altogether?

See also: https://www.mcvuk.com/aint-no-party-like-an-xbox-party-aaron-greenberg-clarifies-exclusivity-stance-and-explains-why-the-upcoming-x019-is-coming-to-london/

QuoteThinking about the next game from Obsidian, InXile or Ninja Theory, all those studios, just like our existing internal studios, whether it’s 343 or Turn 10, they’re going to be focused on making those games for our platforms. So we have no plans to expand any of those exclusive first-party titles to any other consoles,” Greenberg states categorically to us.


We’ve been able to work with Steam so that we’re enabling that community to also be able to play across Windows 10 and console.

Note only Windows 10 and console (Xbox). No word on Linux.

Last edited by Shmerl on 15 November 2019 at 2:47 am UTC
Tchey Nov 15, 2019
I never really wanted to play Wasteland 2, i tried, but never got hooked, so i stopped all my attempts quite early.
Maybe because it was too "american cowboys" or something... I don't know really.

From the trailer, something is bothering me with the visuals.
I don't like "something".
Not sure what.
Maybe because nothing really is readable, everything is too "flat" ?
Nevertheless Nov 15, 2019
Quoting: wytrabbitI don't understand the reason to automatically assume the worst. There is no definitive evidence supporting either theory, so why not keep an open mind? You don't have to get your hopes up, but you're making assumptions without any support. Microsoft bought them but we're not privy to how much control and influence MS exerts on inXile internally. Being negative at this point benefits nobody.

I never closed my mind on it. At the time they aquired Obsidian and InXile, MS tried to promote their store and XBox with exclusives. They also have the habbit of pushing their tech with their products, and MS gaming tech still is very anti-anything but MS. So it was logical for me to assume that the purchases were made for this reason. Of course when/if Microsoft changes their Strategy, anything could happen, but at the time (and still) I don't see them offering their games (after Wasteland 3 and PoE2) on Steam or GOG, and I certainly expect them to offer Linux games on the MS store.
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