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Village Monsters, the open-ended village life game set in a forgotten video game world has entered Early Access with Linux support.

Funded on Kickstarter in October last year, it's a little bit like Stardew Valley with a weirder and slightly more comical setting. Very much a relaxing casual experience, with you running around befriending various NPCs, doing little task and exploring.

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Feature Highlight:

  • Befriend dozens of whimsical monsters, each with their own quirky personalities, interests, and problems to solve.
  • Pursue several interesting hobbies that let you hunt for treasure, collect and train creatures, cultivate mushroom gardens, and catch legendary fish.
  • Buy a fixer-upper and spend your entire life savings into making it your very own comfy-cozy homestead.
  • Engage in a variety of daily tasks and activities like earning money with a part-time job, joining in village events and holidays, going on adventures - or just hanging out with your monster pals and watching some TV.
  • Unravel unique personal stories as you build friendships and learn the history (and secrets) of the village and its inhabitants.
  • Explore vast and strange areas outside the village ranging from vibrant forests, arctic deserts, fog-choked valleys, and the ruins of a best-forgotten empire.
  • Immerse yourself in a truly simulated world that boasts shifting weather patterns, sweeping seasonal changes, and unscripted interactions.
  • Harness the glitches of a run-down game and use them to unlock abilities and fix this neglected world.

While graphically quite simple, the developer touched on how they're attempting to keep players interested with a world that's alive in a blog post. They said that since they're only one person they're not relying on "visual fidelity or complicated physics", instead they're trying to inject a little "flavor into the world of Village Monsters". They go over little details it has like the muted sound of rain when inside, you can truck mud into houses when it's raining, puddles form on the ground, you can catch a cold if out in the rain too long and so on. Lots of little details like that, which they plan to keep expanding on.

If you're interested in what they have planned, you can see some of it on their public roadmap.

You can pick up Village Monsters on and Steam.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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