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Outpost, a new free top-down mix of survival and tower defence is on Steam

By - | Views: 34,080

Outpost is one to keep an eye on! Currently free to keep, it's a top-down survival game where you need to defend a blue Shrine.

It features the typical survival-style start, with you needing to run around and gather resources. What's interesting here though is how it's blended that with a tower defense game. If creatures get to your shrine, it's game over and you need to start again. Each time you start, the map is entirely random too with a different season. It's odd, it's rough but the idea is a sound one that when expanded could be great.

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With each play-through, you earn experience to unlock special survival talents like the ability to build new things, start off with more resources and more there's 50+ of these to unlock.

As for their plans, they seem to have a lot. Character customization, random events, more upgrades to unlock, seasonal bonuses and so on.

Find Outpost free on Steam, the developer said they might add a price in future but anyone who claims it free until then keeps it.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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1 comment

scaine Dec 23, 2019
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I've just played an hour of this and it's reasonably fun, if pretty basic. There's not much guidance going on, and chests seem to be bugged, often giving nothing. The lack of path-finding by the enemies is frustrating - they just fly/crawl in a straight line towards your base... if you don't have enough turrets, you die, simple as that. The random amount of wood you get from trees is also pretty frustrating. Two bad days in a row will see your run end.

Can't fault the price and I might come back to it occasionally, but despite all the upgrades on offer, I don't think there's enough basic gameplay at the moment. Definitely one to keep an eye on though.
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