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Wave-based shoot 'em up PuPaiPo Space Deluxe released with Linux support

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BolHut (You Died but a Necromancer revived you) just released their latest game, a wave-based shoot 'em up PuPaiPo Space Deluxe.

Quite a deceptive looking twin-stick shooter, you start off thinking it's super easy and overly simple and then it starts to really throw everything at you. It gets absolutely crazy! Still simple overall though, a very nice pick up and play shooter, with friendly and inviting colourful visuals.

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Seems quite family-friendly too, with a really silly setting. Something perhaps to enjoy with a younger audience who can keep up with the speed or anyone really. If you think you can handle a challenge, this will definitely make you sweat a bit.

Once you complete the main game, it will then unlock two additional modes:

  • BOSS RUSH - Fight all the bosses in the game one after another, are you up to the task.
  • SURVIVAL - Survive waves and waves of opponents for as long as you can, put your piloting skills to the test!

You can find it on itch.io and Steam.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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