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If you've seen any news lately, you've probably heard about what a terrible and frightening state Australia is currently in with the devastation from the wildfires.

Crytivo who are currently developing The Universim (which I quite like!), will be donating some of their profits to help support "rebuilding lost homes, firefighters working overtime and environmental cleanup". On Steam they will be giving away 30% net revenue and from their own store (which has multiple Linux games) they will send 100% from this month and next.

Quite fitting, with The Universim being a game where you need to look after your people as well as the planet you're on.

Our hearts go out to everyone who has suffered from this disaster and to the heroes working tirelessly to help.

We hope this will inspire others to take action and help in any way they can.

Alex Koshelkov, Founder and CEO, Crytivo

If you know any other developers doing the same, please do let everyone know in the comments.

For other ways to help directly, you can find out more on using the WWF, Red Cross, NSW Rural Fire Service and likely plenty more if you search a bit.

Article taken from
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Philadelphus Jan 9, 2020
Good on 'em. Even here in Melbourne, far, far away from the worst of the action, there's a smell of smoke in the air and the Moon was tinted an ominous orange as it rose last night.
bingus Jan 10, 2020
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I'm on the south east coast of NSW, and its been like armageddon down here. Any help is gladly appreciated.
Eike Jan 10, 2020
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I was shocked to hear it's ten times the size of the huge fires in Amazonas last year.
Philadelphus Jan 10, 2020
Quoting: bingusI'm on the south east coast of NSW, and its been like armageddon down here. Any help is gladly appreciated.
Stay safe over there!
Koopacabras Jan 12, 2020
well it's a real catastrophe, the smoke went as far as here in south america. But also it's disappointing that global press didn't have this kind of coverage with the amazonas fires, lots of hollywood artist that are donating and sharing the grief on social media didn't have the same attitude with the amazonas fires.

Last edited by Koopacabras on 12 January 2020 at 12:27 am UTC
Eike Jan 12, 2020
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Quoting: The_Aquabatwell it's a real catastrophe, the smoke went as far as here in south america. But also it's disappointing that global press didn't have this kind of coverage with the amazonas fires, lots of hollywood artist that are donating and sharing the grief on social media didn't have the same attitude with the amazonas fires.

It was very well covered (in traditional media) and shared (on "social media") here in Germany. That's why I compared the two above.

Last edited by Eike on 12 January 2020 at 12:24 pm UTC
tuubi Jan 12, 2020
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Quoting: Eike
Quoting: The_Aquabatwell it's a real catastrophe, the smoke went as far as here in south america. But also it's disappointing that global press didn't have this kind of coverage with the amazonas fires, lots of hollywood artist that are donating and sharing the grief on social media didn't have the same attitude with the amazonas fires.

It was very well covered and shared on social media here in Germany. That's why I compared the two above.
I avoid social media, but actual news outlets covered the fires quite often here in Finland.
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