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Developer HEY and Japanese publisher Hanaji Games have released Dezatopia, an imaginative and unique feeling multi-directional shoot 'em up with Linux support. Note: Key sent by the publisher.

This is definitely a shooter that attempts to be different, while visually quite retro it's the game mechanics that are the pull here. Your ship has four different weapons each pointing in a different direction, plus each can be fired individually and each has a special charge to fire a special blast.

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Not only are the weapon systems different, the health system is too. Only one part of your ship can take damage, plus you have multiple lives and you only lose one of these when your main health hits zero giving you ample room to screw up.

Feature Highlight:

  • Classic arcade style: The tried-and-true dodge-and-destroy excitement of a shmup is on full display.
  • Huge volume of content: 24 different stages with 21 bosses arranged in 21 routes.
  • Intuitive controls: New yet simple controls which can be enjoyed by novices and veterans alike.
  • Unique shop system: Purchase upgrades on the fly without pausing the action.
  • Dynamic challenge: Automatically adjusts between 1000 difficulty ranks to suit the player’s skill.
  • Amusing story: High school students and underground creatures clash against the combination and domination of two worlds.
  • Unlockable bonuses: Find hidden items in each stage to open up music in the sound test, backstories, and more.
  • Eye-catching graphics: Vivid pixel art with smooth animation.
  • Retro music: Over 40 all-new FM-synth tracks by HEY.

Managing your weapons is key to victory. You're able to set them to auto fire, however, that doesn't allow their charge to build up. Additionally, you collect Crystals from destroyed objects but you can only collect them automatically when all weapons are off. The more weapons you having firing at once, the slower you move too.

There's also the ability to upgrade each gun individually as well as your ship. Destroying enemies will release Animal Souls, when your gauge is full the shop will open directly in-game so the action doesn't pause.

It wasn't originally planned to release for Linux, however, they said "Our programmer worked some crazy magic and we will also be releasing on Mac and Linux on the same day!" and they did it. I'm glad they did, as it's a huge amount of fun. If you only play one retro-styled shoot 'em up this year, make it this one. Full of charm, feels unique and it's fantastic to play.

You can find Dezatopia on Steam.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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