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Godot Engine was approved for an Epic MegaGrant

By - | Views: 88,630

Some good news to share for the free and open source Godot Engine, as the lead developer Juan Linietsky announced during GodotCon that Epic Games have approved them for an Epic MegaGrant.

This was announced during Linietsky's talk on porting Godot Engine over to the Vulkan API, which is coming with Godot Engine version 4.0 later this year. Epic Games have approved them for a sum of $250,000 USD which they've known for a little while, but they only just got the okay to announce it.

You can see the livestream below. As it's live, I can't seem to link to a time stamp.

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According to Linietsky, they're speaking with "many" other companies that may be looking to fund them too. So Godot Engine is definitely moving forward in the minds of all kinds of developers. This is true outside of funding in terms of actual usage too, with Godot gaining popularity when looking at the Global Game Jam.

So the Godot Engine crew join other software like Lutris, Krita and Blender who also previously got an Epic MegaGrant as well as the games ASYLUM and Ira. Epic Games certainly are starting to spread their cash around open source a bit more lately so that's great.

Find out more about the free and open source Godot Engine on the official site. You can also find more info on Epic MegaGrants here.

Hat tip to marc.

Update: Godot's official announcement is now up.

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Termy Feb 3, 2020
As Bad as EGS and their exclusivity bullshit is, but you can't argue that funds for projects like blender, lutris, krita, godot aren't welcomed. As long as everybody remembers that we are like moving to canada to Mr. Sweeny and that he want's to prevent competition i'm fine with them throwing money to something useful instead of exclusives ^^
marcus Feb 3, 2020
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Quoting: dejaime
Quoting: 0aTTBut let's be honest: As soon as the Fortnite millions are missing, the EGS is over
Tencent is the only thing that makes me disagree. We could fit 100+ Valves inside Tencent's pockets. To put things in perspective, Valve has a total equity of ~2.5Bi, Tencent had 72Bi Net Income in 2018 alone.

Uh ... besides that being irrelevant in total since Tencent has a minority stake in Epic, you need to compare the same unit and the same accounting category to make any sense. Tencent had a net income of 79.984 billion CN¥, which is roughly 12 billion USD.

The equity of Tencent (given on the same wiki site) is 356.207 billion CN¥, or roughly 50 billion USD.

What you wrote is similar to saying "Tencent has 55000 employees while Valve is only 23 years old!"...

edit: fixed units. Used Japenes Yen instead of Chinese

Last edited by marcus on 3 February 2020 at 7:53 pm UTC
orochi_kyo Feb 3, 2020
Valve is full of idiots, they should make a clon of any game that is trending now, fire their good paid developers which work only 8-9 hours the day(lazy asses) make their new devs to work 80-90 hours a week, evade some taxes then buy some consciences and get free marketing giving crumbs to other devs.

Pretty much what Jeff Beezos and Richard Branson have been doing, Tim Sweeney got the recipe just right.

Come on Gabe, stop swimming in your money pool, it is time to show "how good human being" you are giving some of the crumbs that fall off your table.

Once the job is done, no more crumbs...
Eike Feb 3, 2020
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Quoting: rkfgAs Russians say, "money doesn't smell" i.e. it doesn't matter what the money source is, it's still the same money with the same face value.

Actually, it's way older than Russian...
dejaime Feb 3, 2020
Quoting: marcusUh ... besides that being irrelevant in total since Tencent has a minority stake in Epic, you need to compare the same unit and the same accounting category to make any sense. Tencent had a net income of 79.984 billion CN¥, which is roughly 12 billion USD.
Ops, my bad. I'll fix my previous comment. The number is much less scary now, but still significantly bigger than Valve's.

I disagree that Tencent's being a minority stake makes it irrelevant. It does mean that Tencent has minority vote, and Sweeney is officially still the one making final decisions. But that doesn't mean Tencent does not have any interest in EGS succeeding, thus being irrelevant.
TheRiddick Feb 3, 2020
Quoting: SslaxxHow bizarre. Why would Epic want to support a rival project, commercial or not, open source or not?

Unless they're going by the "enemy of my enemy is my friend" principle to hurt Unity...

Maybe they would like to buy it further down the road once its more fleshed out. Epic is doing some weird things lately, they kill support for Mac and Linux on Rocket League, and at same time help projects which have a very strong Linux support narrative.

I do hope Epic at some point wake up and actually release their store/platform for Linux, and Mac. (I hate Apple btw)
mao_dze_dun Feb 3, 2020
Reading the comments under any Epic article here or at PC Gamer, makes me lose faith in humanity...
namiko Feb 3, 2020
If this grant is an "apology" from Epic for Rocket League, it takes more than throwing money around to fix that oil fire.

I don't trust Epic, I wouldn't even consider forgiving them until they've got some Valve-level standards of Linux support... for years.

How many years? I dunno... ;)
namiko Feb 3, 2020
Quoting: mao_dze_dunReading the comments under any Epic article here or at PC Gamer, makes me lose faith in humanity...
Why? It's just some average gaming drama, right?
Purple Library Guy Feb 3, 2020
Quoting: GuestThe comment section of this article is why the majority of game developers don't take linux gamers seriously and see them as whiny entitled losers.
But not trolls. Why do I mention trolls? Oh, no reason . . .
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