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Stardew Valley turns 4, more free updates on the way

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Gamers can have a little extra farming, as a treat. Stardew Valley is confirmed to be getting another free content update as it just recently hit four years since release.

After the release it's had multiple big updates already, with the 1.4 update going out last November so it's not exactly been long. That update was huge too adding in tons of new customization, a big farm screenshot feature, big multiplayer enhancements, gamepads improvements and much more.

With it hitting four years old yesterday (although the Linux release came a bit later in July 2016), on Twitter the creator Eric "ConcernedApe" Barone said this:

Thanks everyone for the Stardew Valley 4-year anniversary wishes. It's been a pleasure, and I look forward to another great year! Now that 1.4 is out on all intended platforms, I'd like to announce that there will be another free content update (1.5)'s currently in the works!

Of course they haven't actually teased anything yet but it's good news for Stardew fans, as you get even more! Barone also mentioned on Twitter they have no plans for DLC, it's all going to be free but they do plan on making more games.

If you wish to pick up a copy you can do so on Humble Store, GOG and Steam

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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kneekoo Feb 27, 2020
:D Sweet! <3
Kimyrielle Feb 27, 2020
The guy is mean, telling us about the planned patch, but not what's going to be in there. Now the curiosity is killing me!

On a more serious note, it's amazing that he's still working on a game that's way past the peak of profit-generating. I understand that he's not exactly feeling any financial pressure to make more games, but he could as well focus on making more money instead of working on his old game. I am glad that he is still committed to Stardew Valley. It's really one of the cutest games of our time.
Pangaea Feb 27, 2020
Amazing how many free updates he's pushing out. Awesome stuff. Great game too.

I'm hoping for some genuinely new mid to end game stuff though. It does tend to get a bit stale.
imdan12 Feb 28, 2020
I'm pretty excited what new game that ConcerenedApe will release!!!
Philadelphus Mar 1, 2020
1.5 already? I haven't even managed to experience half the content from the last update yet! :D
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