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Dandara gets a big free update with the Trials of Fear Edition

By - | Views: 16,879

Dandara was quite a surprise, a metroidvania platformer with a gravity-defying movement mechanic that entirely changed you how play and it just got a big update with the Trials of Fear Edition.

"The world of Salt hangs on the brink of collapse. The citizens, once free spirits, now stand oppressed and isolated. But not all is lost, for out this aether of fear arises a heroine, a ray of hope. Her name is Dandara."

This entirely free content update from Long Hat House and Raw Fury doesn't skimp on the details. There's an entirely new area to explore, a new boss to face off against, new powers and game mechanics, a whole new secret ending, 16 new music tracks and the story has even been extending with more lore.

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When speaking to Long Hat House about this update, they mentioned to GOL that while they still recommend a gamepad for it, this huge free feature release did also get updated Mouse and Keyboard controls.

On Steam, from over 200 user reviews it's managed to get a "Very Positive" rating so it's clear that people have enjoyed the game. I definitely did appreciate it attempting to do something different with the mix of metroidvania exploration and platforming, being able to leap around the screen quickly was seriously fun and it makes the combat feel thoroughly different too.

Dandara felt fresh and inviting and I think it's worth taking another look if you haven't finished it. If you've never tried it, I honestly think it's a must-play. Always awesome to see Linux get updates right away too, especially when they're as big as this.

Pick up a copy of Dandara from Humble Store and Steam.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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