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As Abbey Games work to improve their crowdfunded religion building auto-battler 'Godhood', they just released the Newfound Shores update they claim is the biggest yet.

With this update they said "we made huge improvements to the game and how it plays" as they were previously "not meeting the bar we set ourselves out to achieve" so now it should have a much more fun foundation to it. There's now multiple islands to explore, there's a new Generosity commandment you can spread, an improved tutorial, new music, a lot more and "better" upgrades available, development trees are more balanced and have more options, a better time/turn system that gives you a fixed number of actions between turns, better city management and the list goes on—it's massive and really game changing.

Overall, it sounds like they're taking Godhood in a much improved direction and that's great. It has a lot of good ideas, mixing a religion and city builder with a turn-based auto-battle system that all sounded good but until now it just didn't click well together. I'm now looking forward to playing more of it! That's a big difference to my previous thoughts on it.

If you plan to pick it up, just be aware the version on GOG still has an issue with the bundled on some distributions (it's only tested/supported on Ubuntu). You may come up against an error like "version `CURL_OPENSSL_3' not found". As a workaround, if you have Steam installed you can copy this file:


Place it in the Godhood installed folder, replacing/renaming to the included. That will make it run on other distributions like Manjaro/Arch from the DRM-free GOG release. It's a nuisance and sadly they don't seem to want to solve it but it should only happen in the GOG version on Linux distributions other than Ubuntu.

You can pick up Godhood from GOG and Steam.

Also, if you're interested in some live footage the developer did a livestream of the update:

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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