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It's not possible to get sick of hearing about free games is it? I hope not, as I have another few here for you to help you pass the time with if you're stuck somewhere.

Sorted in order of when they run out:

Also, if you're looking to mess around with some game creation the asset artist Kenney has released three big packs on itch.io that are free to grab until today at 11PM UTC.

Do check out our other posts, as there's plenty going around right now. Hopefully by highlighting them, you' won't be bored any time soon during this strange and scary time we're living in.

Some others:

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Acrophobic Mar 21, 2020
Thanks for the heads up, especially for Kenney's big pack.
Nezchan Mar 21, 2020
Lucah: Born Of a Dream looks great, but I tried to watch some gameplay videos and now my eyes hurt. Might give it a miss after all.
Eike Mar 21, 2020
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I can recommend Milkmaid of the Milky Way, it's a nice little point and click!
Botonoski Mar 21, 2020
I feel kinda bad having all these interesting free games at my disposal that are absolutely deserving of my attention, but then ignoring them in favor of playing more Minesweeper.
No idea what the deal is with my recent Minesweeper addiction, it just makes me so angry that I can't help but constantly replay it.
Koopacabras Mar 21, 2020
oh man I'm so overwhelmed and worried about this whole pandemia thing. That almost took all my energy and mood of playing games... but still I like to "acquire" games and stack stuff, this articles about free games are one of the few things that makes me forget all the mass media news bombarding about the pandemia. keep them coming.
Nezchan Mar 21, 2020
Quoting: BotonoskiI feel kinda bad having all these interesting free games at my disposal that are absolutely deserving of my attention, but then ignoring them in favor of playing more Minesweeper.
No idea what the deal is with my recent Minesweeper addiction, it just makes me so angry that I can't help but constantly replay it.

Have you ever tried the Hexcells series? It's pretty much Minesweeper but better in every way.
Eike Mar 21, 2020
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Quoting: BotonoskiI feel kinda bad having all these interesting free games at my disposal that are absolutely deserving of my attention, but then ignoring them in favor of playing more Minesweeper.
No idea what the deal is with my recent Minesweeper addiction, it just makes me so angry that I can't help but constantly replay it.

I don't know if you're aware, but there's a "fair minesweeper" variant:
scratchi Mar 21, 2020
Quoting: AcrophobicThanks for the heads up, especially for Kenney's big pack.

+1, thank you :)
Cyba.Cowboy Mar 22, 2020
I guess it's too soon to suggest "Plague Inc: Evolved" then... /s

Oh, you're talking about free games? Well maybe "Plague Inc: Evolved" shouldn't be on this list.

Last edited by Cyba.Cowboy on 22 March 2020 at 8:54 am UTC
seamoose Mar 22, 2020
A collection of nearly all games that are currently free on itch.io:

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