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Chronicon is a serious gem, honestly when it comes to an action RPG it's quite easily one of my favourites because it just feels so damn good. Last week, a massive update went out!

There's a fancy new character build export/import system, so you can now save your builds and quickly swap between them. Also added is an in-game codex, that will track and lists progression in terms of areas visited, waypoints found, unique monsters killed, regular monsters killed and more. I'm quite a big fan of this Codex feature, something a few other games have to give you something fun to reflect on and compare with others. After all, you want to know you've slain 500 Ghouls right?

Something a little special is voice acting too, so now the game as a whole just feels that much more complete. This includes voice lines for bosses, NPCs, and your characters! So they now grunt and complain at you when you don't have enough mana, react to certain in-game events such as killstreaks and more. It's such a small thing when you think about it but for a 2D action RPG like this it really does add a lot to the experience.

For the Linux version, I worked with the developer to help them sort their Ubuntu install out to get past a few issues and the launch script was updated to actually use the included dependency that was causing trouble for some. It's now been tested launching great across Ubuntu and Manjaro.

You can find Chronicon on Humble Store and Steam.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Nezchan Mar 26, 2020
I was just thinking about this game today. People say it's fun, but it's really hard to get a feel for how the early game (which I'm likely to be playing the most of) is. There's a lot of attention given to the late game, but what I'd really like to know is if the earlier parts are fun, easy to get into, etc.
scaine Mar 26, 2020
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I'd say the opening 15 minutes or so are pretty slow, as you really need to hit about level 5 before you're unlocking the big attacks. After that, it's a wild ride of kill frenzy and chaining attacks. Very, very satisfying!

The voice acting is superb too, at least on the Warlock I'm playing. His maniacal laugh during kill streaks is hilarious and when you hit a high streak, he's laughing, shouting "Cower before me!" and things are just exploding all around you... wonderful stuff! Love it!
Grimfist Mar 27, 2020
Uh nice, time to give it a visit again (after I complete my last CS:GO missions for the last 5 stars :D)
Glad you helped the developer to get things running on our favorite OS.
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