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What seems to be a regular occurrence now during the COVID-19 outbreak, both Steam and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive have yet again broken their own concurrent user records.

As a quick recap of some events:

  • February 3 - Steam hits new record of users online at 18,801,944
  • February 8/9 - Steam hits new record of users online at 19,107,803. Additionally, CS:GO hit 876,575 and then again the next day 901,681.
  • March 14/15 - CS:GO breaks a million people online for the first time ever at around 1,007,062 players and then again the next day with around 1,024,845. Meanwhile during this time, Steam broke a record again for users online at 19,728,027 and again the following day broke 20 million (about 20,313,451) for the first time ever!
  • March 22/23 - Steam hits 22,678,529 online and CS:GO reaches a new peak of 1,102,067.

At this point, is anyone actually surprised about how quickly Steam seems to be growing during the Coronavirus panic? With masses of people forced to stay home, you've got to do something to keep your mind active and gaming certainly can be a good choice for that.

So why are we here again? Well, yesterday March 29 they both smashed all that once again. Steam officially hit over 23 million players online (~23,434,674) although only about 7.2 million were actually in game. A large chunk of that was CS:GO (surprise!) which hit around 1,123,002 players online.

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Tags: Steam, Valve | Apps: Counter-Strike 2
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Koopacabras Mar 30, 2020
I guess for some ppl is like Christmas everyday on COVID19, supermarkets, pharmacies, groceries, etc. OTOH other developers, indie developers, are having a hard time .
I hope the big studios don't gamble with this and since they are selling massive quantities, the right thing to do is having big discounts .
Koopacabras Mar 30, 2020
Quoting: Patola
Quoting: The_AquabatI hope the big studios don't gamble with this and since they are selling massive quantities, the right thing to do is having big discounts .
To sell even more and profit more than if they used the full price, right? Or are you suggesting that businesses should not pursue the very reason of their existence?

we are talking that millions will loose their jobs...tables might turn quickly.
Koopacabras Mar 30, 2020
Quoting: Patola
Quoting: The_AquabatI hope the big studios don't gamble with this and since they are selling massive quantities, the right thing to do is having big discounts .
To sell even more and profit more than if they used the full price, right? Or are you suggesting that businesses should not pursue the very reason of their existence?
Also business is business you can sustain a lower price if you are selling more. makes sense. After all they do want to sell MORE? right?

I personally will not buy games that have big increases in their prices (I'm looking at you SEGA)

we are talking that people are panick buying, producing artificial scarcity, seems pretty much a crime to me, given the circumstances.

Last edited by Koopacabras on 30 March 2020 at 10:31 am UTC
elgatil Mar 30, 2020
Just a quick math fun fact:

There are around 7000M people in the world, therefore with ~20M it means more or less the 0.3% of the world population is connected at the same time in Steam.

Beamboom Mar 30, 2020
Quoting: elgatilJust a quick math fun fact:

There are around 7000M people in the world, therefore with ~20M it means more or less the 0.3% of the world population is connected at the same time in Steam.


What an amazing perspective!
Nezchan Mar 30, 2020
Quoting: elgatilJust a quick math fun fact:

There are around 7000M people in the world, therefore with ~20M it means more or less the 0.3% of the world population is connected at the same time in Steam.


But what's the world population of CS:GO bots?
Arten Mar 30, 2020
I'm little worried about this month Steam Hardware & Software Survey results, to be honest...
Eike Mar 30, 2020
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Quoting: ArtenI'm little worried about this month Steam Hardware & Software Survey results, to be honest...

Yeah, people digging up their PCs in lockdown probably won't find a Linux box under the dust...
(Still, I'm more than a little worried about other things.)

Last edited by Eike on 30 March 2020 at 9:23 pm UTC
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