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Untrusted is similar in idea to other social deduction games like Mafia/Werewolf (amongst plenty of others), only this time it's a bit more nerdy and technical with the hacking idea.

Currently in development with it closing in an an Alpha-level released, the developer emailed about it as they're going to start more testing soon and they need your help. With full Linux support planned, it could be something amusing to try out.

You can see an early trailer for it below:

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You can also see a brief tutorial in this video too.

Based on two teams: "NETSEC" attempting to hack into a server, while undercover "AGENTs" attempt to arrest players or get players to snitch on their comrades. The developer says the game ends "as soon as the NETSEC group gains root access of the target node or when all AGENTs or NETSEC members have been eliminated from the game. If the NETSEC operation leader gives root access to an AGENT member however, it is also instant game over." and that "Role playing, deception and deduction are key aspects of the game, which currently features 17 playable classes with more than 50 unique skills.".

If you wish to get in on the action while it's free, they're requesting you join their Discord Channel or sign up to their newsletter to be notified.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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14 Mar 9, 2020
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That logo sure looks a lot like Gamespy.
LungDrago Mar 10, 2020
Quoting: 14That logo sure looks a lot like Gamespy.

Hah, I was wondering why it looked so familiar. :P
elmapul Mar 25, 2020
this seems like an good simulation of team cordination to hack or defend an system, its a shame we dont have an good simulation of the <hacking> part, besides trying to hack an real system...
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