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Help Will Come Tomorrow, a crowdfunded game developed by Arclight Creations, that takes place around the Russian October Revolution is out now.

"During the onset of the October Revolution in the uninhabitable Siberian wilderness, a group of passengers have survived the mysterious catastrophe of a Trans-Siberian railway train. They must endure in a harsh ice-clad climate until a rescue party arrives. Facing many dangers, their own weaknesses and, above all, their own prejudice, passengers from different social classes will have to unite and make decisions that often go against their beliefs. They will be constantly put to the test and will survive or the decisions will break them. How and if they survive and at what cost is up to the player."

It was funded on Kickstarter with around $14,980 only in March this year, with the funding helping towards the final polishing and also to pay for some audio work. Interestingly, in regards to a Linux version, they said they would "do everything to add Linux support" but wouldn't confirmed it for release day. Today though, at release, Linux support is in!

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Feature Highlight:

  • Overcome class animosities between your party members in order to survive in an innovative class relations building system.
  • Manage scarce resources and stay alive in frosty wilderness of Siberia before help arrives.
  • Guide 9 unique characters coming from different social origins and grouping in three society classes
  • Discover intimate stories and past of all party members
  • Build and expand your own camp to increase the chances of survival
  • Face dynamically changing weather conditions and unforgiving Siberian wildlife affecting survivors life.
  • Experience in-game Event system based on characters relations and morale
  • Immerse yourself in touching story set in 1917 pre - Bolschevik Imperial Russia

If you like the sound of it you can find Help Will Come Tomorrow on GOG and Steam.

You can see many more crowdfunded projects on our dedicated page.

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About the author -
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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g000h Apr 21, 2020
Looks interesting. Added to wishlist. I'm quite keen on a number of survival-centric games.
Purple Library Guy Apr 21, 2020
I was thinking "Oh, another survival game, whatever" but this actually looks quite distinct and interesting.
kaiman Apr 21, 2020
I've had my eyes on that for a while, but I fear it could be quite depressing ... will wait for some reviews. The style looks ... stylish, however!
razing32 Apr 21, 2020
Reminds me of Gods are Watching.(or whatever that was called)
Hope this fares a bit better in choices than that did.
Shmerl Apr 21, 2020
Wishlisted for now as well. Good to see crowdfunded games still releasing Linux versions.
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