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Vendetta Online, something of a classic MMO space game is now free to play for everyone until June 1. Everyone will be treated as if they're a paying player during this time.

Why are they doing this for so long? They said they wanted to offer a bit of sanctuary to players, somewhere "they can virtually go and be (politely) social, interact with others, and perhaps get a little respite from the chaos". They are of course referring to the Coronavirus situation. Read more on that here.

A little about it Vendetta Online:

In this game, thousands of people can play together, at the same time, in a single, persistent universe. Players take the form of spaceship pilots within this universe, flying to and fro between space stations and other locations in the galaxy. All combat within the game is fully realtime, based entirely on "twitch" skill (no "virtual dice rolling"). You directly pilot and fly your own ship, you are not a back-seat "navigator". Players may fight one another, or against Non-Player Characters (NPCs), even participating in massive border battles between nations or helping eradicate the vicious Hive. The thriving and complex economy of the galaxy makes many opportunities for traders, miners and smugglers alike.

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It's pretty amazing Vendetta Online is still going, it's been around in some form since 2002 and it has cross-platform and cross-device online play. They were a serious early supporter of Linux gaming with such an MMO. It's not just amazing that it's still going, it's regularly updated too. Only recently they've worked on improving NPC AI, reduced loading times, a new reporting system to deal with naughty players and much more.

See more on the official site.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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einherjar Apr 4, 2020
According to their website, it is only for a maximum of 8 hours playtime for PC. That is not really "free to play until 1 June" IMHO.
DamonLinuxPL Apr 4, 2020
Quoting: einherjarAccording to their website, it is only for a maximum of 8 hours playtime for PC. That is not really "free to play until 1 June" IMHO.

Agree. A bit inaccurate.
Vendetta is free2play on mobile devices like Android and iOS but on PC (Windows, mac and Linux) will be only in trial option allowing only to try the game for a maximum of 8 hours.

Last edited by DamonLinuxPL on 4 April 2020 at 5:39 pm UTC
Romlok Apr 4, 2020
Quoting: einherjarAccording to their website, it is only for a maximum of 8 hours playtime for PC. That is not really "free to play until 1 June" IMHO.
That's just their standard offer, I remember it was the same yonks ago. The "free to play until 1 June" is on top of that, it seems they just haven't changed the usual graphic on the website.
QuoteAll accounts of all types (new or existing), will be treated as full Premium Subscriber accounts, until the first of June.
Quote...When the Free period ends, the account reverts to the underlying state and limitations (Lite, Trial, Freemium, etc).
Liam Dawe Apr 4, 2020
It's very clear it's entirely open. There is no hour limit during this time.
einherjar Apr 4, 2020
Quoting: Liam DaweIt's very clear it's entirely open. There is no hour limit during this time.

I was confused by the "Free Trial" ad on the main page.
beko Apr 5, 2020
Wow. That still exists? I remember writing an article about it like a decade ago :O
iiari Apr 6, 2020
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I recall this title was going to get a new game engine. Did that ever happen?
Ardje Apr 8, 2020
Vendetta Online is probably the only game that really works marvelous on Galaxy Gear VR: free look with head movement and complete steering of the ship with the controller.
It's stunning I think.
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