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Did you miss our Wine release day puns? Well good news! I've pressed them into service and aged them to perfection so they have returned along with the Wine 5.8 release that's now available.

Hold up. What's this Wine then if not an incredibly tasty liquid that you need to drink responsibly? Wine is a compatibility layer that can enable Windows software (and plenty of games) to run on Linux.

There's a bunch of new features in Wine 5.8, here's the highlights:

  • Support for Plug & Play device notifications.
  • More support for building with Clang in MSVC mode.
  • Still more progress on the WineD3D Vulkan backend.
  • Initial implementation of a GIF encoder.
  • Vulkan spec update.

As for bugs squashed, the Wine team noted 44 as solved. Some are from older releases that have been noticed recently and ticked off the list, while others were actually fixed in this release. These include issues solved for: Warcraft 3, The Witcher: Enhanced Edition, Riot Vanguard, Legends of Runeterra, Anno 1701 an issue plaguing many games in the previous Wine 5.7 release was also solved and more.

See more on the official Wine website.

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Tags: Update, Wine | Apps: Wine
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Pattedetable May 8, 2020
Thank you for the puns, they put a smile on my face! :)
TheSHEEEP May 8, 2020
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I prefer cider, personally. But we don't really have that as software.
psy-q May 8, 2020
Quoting: TheSHEEEPI prefer cider, personally. But we don't really have that as software.

Yes we do! Cider CI is a parallelized CI system a workmate of mine has been developing for a few years :)
CatKiller May 8, 2020
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Quoting: TheSHEEEPI prefer cider, personally. But we don't really have that as software.

TransGaming's proprietary "Wine for Apples" was called Cider.
I wonder when We gonna see this on Proton.
Avehicle7887 May 8, 2020
Another exciting release. I'll re-run my usual mfplat tests tomorrow to see if anything's changed since the past 2 weeks.

On another note, Philip Rebohle (DXVK) has been working heavily on VKD3D (DX12 Support) at this repo: which in turn gets merged into
mrdeathjr May 9, 2020
Quoting: Avehicle7887Another exciting release. I'll re-run my usual mfplat tests tomorrow to see if anything's changed since the past 2 weeks.

On another note, Philip Rebohle (DXVK) has been working heavily on VKD3D (DX12 Support) at this repo: which in turn gets merged into

In my case catherine remains equal black screen

sr_ls_boy May 9, 2020
Something's up. Four bug reports involving Riot Vanguard anticheat were worked on and closed by Julliard himself, within one week.

Take a look at these still outstanding bugs for Valorant linking against Riot. Considering how fast the wine developers pushed out BCrypt for Doom, it doesn't look like it will take long.

  • 27248 (staging)

  • 45666 (staging)

  • 48981 (imports from BCrypt?)

  • 48986 (stubbed out)

  • 48988

  • 48989 (patch sent)

  • 48991

  • 48997/li]

Last edited by sr_ls_boy on 9 May 2020 at 2:22 am UTC
Termy May 9, 2020
Quoting: PatolaIs this release able to run Star Citizen? Unfortunately 5.7 had a regression with this game, bug 49007

No the revert didn't get merged :/
But we provide patched lutris runners for SC here: :)
jens May 9, 2020
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Quoting: Comandante ÑoñardoI wonder when We gonna see this on Proton.

I guess it's wise to wait with a Proton rebase until e.g. support for Media Foundation is completed. There's currently a lot of work going on for this topic afaik.

Last edited by jens on 9 May 2020 at 3:57 pm UTC
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