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The Humble Indie Bundle 21 launches to mark the tenth anniversary

By - | Views: 18,484

To mark the tenth anniversary, the team over at Humble have now launched the Humble Indie Bundle 21 with some wonderful Linux games included. Hard to imagine it was ten years ago that the first bundle appeared, back when it was run by Wolfire Games and later spun into its own company.

We've had a huge amount of games added to our collection thanks to Humble over this time!

Titles included at the initial tier:

  • Hotline Mami
  • Beat Cop
  • Dustforce DX

If you pay more than the average you get:

  • Moonlighter
  • Gato Roboto (not on Linux)
  • + more to come around 6PM UTC on May 19

The top tier meanwhile at £12 has:

  • Hypnospace Outlaw
  • Starbound

The sad part is how the HIB by itself used to stand for cross-platform and DRM-free, which seems to no longer be the case. With one title only on Windows, and not DRM-free either.

Still, a good selection overall of some new and some not so, and each is rated well by players. If I didn't have them already, I would happily be picking up a full bundle for that price. The Humble Indie Bundle 21 ends on Tuesday, May 26.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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wvstolzing May 12, 2020
Don't miss Dustforce! It's such a great game. This guy does a great job explaining why.
poiuz May 12, 2020
So, Humble Bundle is really gone and will never return. That is a really sad anniversary.

I really had hoped that another "Humble Indie Bundle" would be something big. Instead it's just another Humble "Insert any name because we really don't care" Bundle which is neither cross-platform nor DRM-free.

Additionally, the game selection is not great. Dustforce and Hotline Miami were already in previous "Humble Indie Bundles" and probably some other bundles, too.
WorMzy May 12, 2020
Still waiting on Giana Sisters from Humble Indie Bundle 11.
Mnoleg May 12, 2020
Quoting: poiuzSo, Humble Bundle is really gone and will never return. That is a really sad anniversary...
I agree 100% with every word. From excitement to disappointment in just a few seconds :(
nolddor May 12, 2020
Humble Bundle was great at old times... now I cannot say the same to be honest ;(
Phlebiac May 13, 2020
Let's hope the extra games added next week are good; I would have skipped this one if not for Starbound, as I already had the rest (except for Hypnospace Outlaw - I'm surprised it's so highly reviewed, when judging by the screenshots).

Too bad you can no longer customize which games get your money. At least I could zero out the Humble Tip in favor of the EFF and GOL. ;-)

Last edited by Phlebiac on 13 May 2020 at 5:09 am UTC
flesk 10 years May 13, 2020
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This is a sad anniversary indeed. There are some great games in there for sure, but that's overshadowed by the nail in the coffin for cross-platform and DRM-free.

Hyonospace is DRM-free though, so that seems to be a mistake.
Tuxee May 13, 2020
Guys, what did you expect? The first HBs were released when there was practically no Linux gaming in existence. It was sensational and the market share of the bundles by Linux users demonstrated this. Games were ported to Linux because of the bundles. Nowadays you get thousands of Linux titles and bundles, indie games frequently have same-day releases for Linux, too. With the advent of Steam and recently Proton there is just no place for Humble Indie Bundles anymore.

(And yes, they could have just left it there and skipped an anniversary bundle.)
rustybroomhandle May 13, 2020
Quoting: WorMzyStill waiting on Giana Sisters from Humble Indie Bundle 11.

To make it worse, the game's launcher makes it not even launch via Proton.
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