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Back in 2017 game developer The Game Kitchen successfully crowdfunded Blasphemous, a very stylish punishing action-platformer. During the campaign, a Linux version was very clearly advertised but it seems to be missed out of seeing a release. A shame, as it's reviewed well and it does look awesome.

Blasphemous is a punishing action-platformer that combines the fast-paced, skilled combat of a hack-n-slash game with a deep and evocative narrative core, delivered through exploration of a huge universe comprised of non-linear levels.

There's good news though! Linux is still planned (as is macOS), as confirmed by the developer in a comment on their Kickstarter campaign that mentions both platforms are due "appear (finally!) coinciding with DLC #1". No word on an exact date though, as many things are delayed due to the COVID-19 outbreak.

Not seen it? Check out the trailer:

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Will be good to see this officially arrive, given how many people seem to be enjoying it. On Steam it has well over four thousand user reviews giving it a Very Positive score.

You can follow Blasphemous on Humble Store, GOG and Steam.

See this and hundreds more crowdfunded games on our dedicated page.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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HyperRealisticRock May 11, 2020
Awesome! Tried to run it in proton with little success, after installing extra bits needed for the cut scenes it still froze and died..

Hoping they do keep their promise and we see a multi OS release.
g000h May 11, 2020
Well this is good news, as I own it (but not played it yet) and when it's on Linux I'll be more inspired to try it out.
Cyril May 11, 2020
I hope so... I'm (and all the Linux/macOS users) keeping an eye on you The Game Kitchen. :><:
scaine May 11, 2020
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I actually skipped last December's Humble Choice because I didn't want this game getting my money (and I was buying Tomb Raider separately anyway)... and now here they doing a Linux version? Great news!

I love this style of game (mad Salt 'n' Sanctuary fan, remember? ), so pretty much an insta-buy when they get the Linux version out of the door.

Last edited by scaine on 11 May 2020 at 12:56 pm UTC
Modanung May 11, 2020
QuoteDuring the campaign, a Linux version was very clearly advertised but it seems to be missed out of seeing a release.

There's something about that klu klux knight which tells me to stay away from this title. :S:

Last edited by Modanung on 11 May 2020 at 10:52 pm UTC
scaine May 11, 2020
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Quoting: ModanungBlasphemy!

There's something about that klu klux knight which tells me to stay away from this title. :S:

Yeah, that hat... holy cow. The imagery is really hard to see past, eh?
tuubi May 12, 2020
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Quoting: scaine
Quoting: ModanungBlasphemy!

There's something about that klu klux knight which tells me to stay away from this title. :S:

Yeah, that hat... holy cow. The imagery is really hard to see past, eh?
Since when did people start associating all conical headwear with a bunch of racist idiots from the US? I never knew garden gnomes were KKK members.

Last edited by tuubi on 12 May 2020 at 6:56 am UTC
Modanung May 12, 2020
Quoting: tuubiSince when did people start associating all conical headwear with a bunch of racist idiots from the US? I never knew garden gnomes were KKK members.

Does it wear a conical hat?
Yes -> Probably a gnome

Is it also Christian?
Yes -> Must be a princess

And wearing facial covering?
Yes -> Uh, Nazareno during Holy Week?

And murderous?
Yes -> Hm, then it might be a klansman

Last edited by Modanung on 12 May 2020 at 6:17 pm UTC
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