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Onsen Master is a hot spring customer management game

By - | Views: 16,508

You've built cities, managed theme parks and run across kitchens to prepare dishes but have you managed a hot spring before? I sure haven't and Onsen Master looks and sounds amusing.

With gameplay that seems to resemble the idea of Overcooked that looks like it could be a lot of fun, as you rush around to prepare ingredients to heal up your visitors across the fantasy island of Izajima. You're tasked with reconnecting "the communities that surround each onsen, and discover the supernatural world that they've long since been disconnected from".

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Feature Highlight:

  • Short and sweet 1-2 player story across 6 hot spring levels!
  • Unveil the island of Izajima in a visual novel style narrative with a cute anime aesthetic!
  • Skip the story and dive right in with Arcade Mode.
  • Take on others in a competitive 2-player local multiplayer.
  • An original soundtrack full of tunes akin to a Feudal fairytail, composed by Dorrell Ettienne.

Seems this was a project funded on Kickstarter that we somehow missed too. Their campaign was during August and September in 2019, where they managed to raise a little over twelve thousand dollars. It marks number 320 on our dedicated crowdfunding page.

You can follow / wishlist Onsen Master on Steam. It's due to release later this year, sometime in the "Fall" according to the Steam page.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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WorMzy May 28, 2020
Oooh, nice. I'm a big fan of Japanese onsen. We have a large collection of Japanese herbal bath salts, but they're a poor substitute for the real deal.

Rutine May 28, 2020
It's clearly inspired by "Spirited Away" the movie from Miyazaki, right?
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