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Time travelling slavic fantasy adventure, The End of the Sun, is now crowdfunding on Kickstarter and they plan to have full Linux support. One we've talked about here a few times now, as the setting has certainly piqued our curiosity.

Set in the world of slavic rites, beliefs, legends, and their everyday life. The End of the Sun is set in a small village where the line between myth and reality began to fade perilously. As someone with the ability to travel through time, you're following the trail of the secretive fugitive when you come across the village but it's empty. What happened here? That's for you to find out apparently.

Check out their new trailer below:

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What it will feature:

  • Travel in time – teleport between four periods far away from each other by many years, set in four main seasons (Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter). Get to know the stories of the same heroes at different stages of their lives.
  • Ethnographic museums scanned via photogrammetry – To get unique graphics, we visited ethnographic museums where we scanned hundreds of objects and entire buildings, so you can admire them in the game the way they actually are. We also scanned the elements of the natural environment in order to get the most European Slavonic climate possible.
  • Non-linear and engaging story – You can experience particular immersive stories at your own pace and at the moment you feel like it.
  • Dynamic world, weather conditions, lighting – the time of day, weather and lighting change smoothly and dynamically within one day in front of your eyes as you discover other parts of the mystery.
  • Consequences of time travelling – certain elements of history and the world around you will open up to you only when you set the paths of fate and influence the future. Events from the past have an impact on the future.
  • Slavic World, its culture and daily activities – While experiencing the story, you will be able to enjoy not only the immersive history, but also look at the long-forgotten everyday activities and objects that are no longer used today.
  • Exploration – Travel between the homesteads and surroundings of the village, finding out the details of the mystery that lies somewhere there.

The full release is planned for Steam sometime in early 2021 at around $20 with full support for Linux. They're also planning to have it localized into: English, Polish, German, Russian, French, Spanish, Czech and Chinese simplified.

Developed using the Unity game engine, their Kickstarter their funding goal isn't high at only around $12,000. That would be due to the advanced state of the game, they estimated it to be around 80% done already but this is going to help the last push and pay for things like voice acting, translations and such.

Find the Kickstarter here, and you can also wishlist/follow on Steam.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Disharmonic May 7, 2020
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Quoteget the most European Slavonic climate possible
What does this even mean? Slavs live in Europe from the Balkans to the Baltic. That's a pretty wide range of places with different climates
JudasIscariot May 8, 2020
Quoting: Disharmonic
Quoteget the most European Slavonic climate possible
What does this even mean? Slavs live in Europe from the Balkans to the Baltic. That's a pretty wide range of places with different climates

"Climate" in this case is a direct translation of the Polish word "klimat" (it means "climate" but in the common vernacular it means "to get the experience of"). See this link that should help explain this a bit as it offers a decent English translation:

Last edited by JudasIscariot on 8 May 2020 at 12:07 pm UTC
Disharmonic May 8, 2020
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Thanks for the explanation. That makes more sense.
Eike May 17, 2020
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50% funded at the moment

*edit* The graphics look... wrong to me. Like they're missing any shading or something.

Last edited by Eike on 17 May 2020 at 12:08 pm UTC
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