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PULSAR: Lost Colony is a co-op spaceship command sim, one where you and friends can each take a dedicated role and it just got much better for solo players.

Beta 29 released last Friday, May 8, which overhauled how the AI works both for you and enemies. Leafy Games mentioned how the AI has been enhanced to be capable of charging programs, patrolling sectors and even launching nukes. AI priorities and behaviours got a big boost too. As an example, if you have an AI engineer to fill a slot in your crew it can now lower shields, eject the reactor core and more. The Scientist AI can also now do extras like running a sensor sweep.

There's also new sectors you can explore, and new Beacon item that may spawn into some sectors that's supposed to help mix-up the space combat. These beacons can either help or hinder you as they do a variety of things from improving your boost to disabling cloaking tech. You can destroy them if they annoy you too.

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With the addition of a proper tutorial added into PULSAR earlier this year, it's become a lot more accessible and now thanks to a much better AI it should be a lot more fun overall. If you want an amusing game to play a sort-of Star Trek command type of thing, PULSAR is pretty interesting. Just don't fight over who gets to be captain.

You can buy PULSAR on Humble Store and Steam.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Mumrik93 May 12, 2020
Never been into competitive gaming, but co-op gaming is something i really like and this game does it really well, glad to see it still going strong!
Ehvis May 13, 2020
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This is one of those games that I've wanted to try, but the coop aspect has held me back. Seems like this would only be fun with a complete crew to play with. The look of the game seems to have improved massively though.
Kabouik May 13, 2020
The game is extremely fun in coop with friends (and even strangers). There's a lot to explore, and many surprises along the adventure. I really enjoy it and keep getting back to it regularly.

It's really nice in solo too @ehvis, but you have to take some time to configure the AI of your bots if you want them to behave the way you want, and understanding how to set priorities can be time-consuming. It's rewarding though. It really is one of this games I purchased without expecting much, but was impressed with in the end.
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