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Space Grunts 2 is a roguelike with card-based combat out now

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Merging together elements of a card-based deckbuilder with a traditional turn-based roguelike, Space Grunts 2 from Orangepixel has now left Early Access. Note: Key provided by the developer.

This is the 9th game from Orangepixel to support Linux, and might possibly be my favourite yet! A very easy to get into game, with a satisfying gameplay loop that sees you travel through procedurally generated sci-fi environments with a tight pixel-art style.

Check out some previous footage:

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It hasn't changed a lot since that footage was captured in February 2020. However, there's a fair amount more content included now. There's a new electricity surge feature, a bunch of new areas to explore and multiple new types of rooms, new card types to collect during a run, NPCs to meet and more.

Even though it's easy to get into and thanks to simple controls it's highly accessible, it's not an easy game to get through. The further you progress, the bigger the enemies you will encounter and they do have a few tricks up their sleeve.

After a game that you can quickly pick up and have a blast through perhaps when you don't have too much time to spare? Space Grunts 2 is a good choice for that. Satisfying enough in small doses and great when you play for longer and attempt to unlock more to play again. High replay value thanks to the unlock system and all the random encounters. Gives you that sweet feeling of needing just one more run.

Feature Highlight:

  • Endless variation - Every game plays like a unique mission for your away-team - the layout is different every time. From the level layouts, to special events, and alternate paths. Every game will be unique.
  • Unique card/inventory system - Your inventory is your deck of cards, every weapon, shield, or item you pick up is a card you use in battles and sits in your inventory (your deck).
  • Unlockable extras - Complete challenges to unlock special Trinkets to help you in your games. Complete multiply missions to permanently unlock Buff cards, and increase your experience level to unlock special passive cards.

You can pick it up from and Steam.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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