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Spaceship colony sim Space Haven arrives in Early Access

By - | Views: 15,640

Build a spaceship, look after your crew and travel the stars in Space Haven as it's now available in Early Access and it's good.

Embark on a space voyage with your ragtag crew of civilians in search of a new home. Build spaceships tile by tile, create optimal gas conditions, manage the needs and moods of their crew, encounter other space-faring groups, and explore the universe in this spaceship colony sim.

The developer, Bugbyte, ran a successful Kickstarter campaign little over a year ago to raise $260,189. Since then they've been pushing out Alpha builds to backers, and they provided us with an early copy too. Many builds later, many hours played and it's clearly shaping up to be an impressive game.

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Keep in mind it's thoroughly unfinished, rough in many areas but already something of a gem and a title I happily keep going back to. It already feels something a little like RimWorld and perhaps even a little The Sims in space. You build a ship tile-by-tile, ensure your crew has all they need and deal with any issues that come up. Explore derelict ships, encounter hostile aliens and more. Absolutely tons of potential that I hope to see made a reality as a huge space sci-fi fan.

BugByte's plan is to remain in Early Access for 1-2 years at least, as they said they want to keep updating it until they feel it's become a "true gem among indie games". Their support for Linux has been fantastic too with this and their previous games working well.

With it now available in Early Access you can buy it from Humble Store, GOG and Steam.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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McMarius11 May 22, 2020
  • Supporter
great game!
Brisse May 22, 2020
Reminds me of a movie I saw last year.
jens May 22, 2020
  • Supporter
I've added this to my library, my first 5 minutes impression is indeed very cool.
14 May 22, 2020
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Looking forward to this one. 1-2 years in EA? Eh, I'll let it bake at least another year before I spend $20+.
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