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Treasure Tech is a seriously fun new classic DOOM conversion

By - | Views: 18,026

Treasure Tech is another fantastic DOOM conversion mod inspired by the Wario Land franchise and it's out now.

I will admit this mod is something hilarious. From the super-cheesy retro intro, to the ridiculous weapons. I couldn't hold in my laughter the first time I used the starter pistol! Seeing those classic Doom enemies go flying into the wall. Absolute pure joy.

Play as Chesterfield, more known as Treasure Guy, as he shakes down the forces of hell for their pocket change! Tackle your foes, and throw them into each other!
Collect tons of coins, jewels, strange artifacts, and spend your earnings to power yourself up! Use an array of exotic weapons as you hunt down every last penny on the map!

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Some of the features it adds:

  • Tackling and Throwing classic Doom Monsters!
  • An integrated Shop Menu with a variety of Upgrades to purchase!
  • An Exclusive collection of alluring Weapons!
  • Over 40 Unique Treasures to find!
  • Lots of custom artwork

It even has a classical-styled game manual that actually looks brilliant, so many wonderful touches that make it such a great mod.

You need GZDoom to work with it. Find the release post for Treasure Tech here. You may also want to pick up DOOM or DOOM II to play with it.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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vipor29 May 25, 2020
some of this is taken from wario land 4 on the gba.that title screen i remember it very well lol.the music i believe as well in the game is from the gba game.
NeoTheFox May 25, 2020
I love everything about this
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