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Northgard, the excellent real-time strategy game about warring viking tribes from Shiro Games just got another huge free update to expand what's possible with it.

With the all-new Map Editor you can create, alter, and transform custom battlefields. Various parts of maps can be changed like placing resources, strategic structures, terrain elevation and more. It's a full built-in tool that's going to be a map makers dream for Northgard. Shiro said you can externally modify other parts of the game too like unit data and scripting to make entirely new parts like victory conditions. This also comes with Steam Workshop support for easy sharing and downloading.

You can see the trailer for the update below:

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Maps and modding are often what helps games continue to be popular, and for Nothgard it seems like a perfect game to have it in officially.

You can buy Nothgard for Linux on Humble Store, GOG and Steam. Currently, the GOG version does not have multiplayer on Linux.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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eldaking May 28, 2020
This looks really neat, but apparently the external editor that allows scripts and changes to the game is Windows only for now. The in-game map editor does work just fine on Linux, though, and I expect mods will work normally even if we can't create them.
14 May 30, 2020
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  • Supporter Plus
Excellent. I've played this game a bit on my own as well as a few rounds with a friend. It's a good game! I might not make my own maps, but it will be cool to try some community-made maps.
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