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Beyond a Steel Sky to release for Linux PC during July

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Beyond a Steel Sky, the exciting looking upcoming game from Revolution Software recently hit Apple Arcade and it appears the Steam release is soon too.

Confirmed to be launching with Linux support, Beyond a Steel Sky is the long awaited sequel to Beneath a Steel Sky. Revolution Software actually are the original developer of Beneath a Steel Sky, plus Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars, Broken Sword II: The Smoking Mirror and more. With the Apple Arcade release out, they mentioned on Twitter that "July will not go by without you being able to play the game on Steam".

You can see the current release trailer below:

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Beyond a Steel Sky is a dramatic, humorous, cyberpunk thriller in which engaging puzzles drive a fast-paced narrative set in a dynamic gameworld that responds to – and is subverted by – the player's actions. According to the developer, it has puzzles are interwoven with an intriguing dramatic narrative to deliver a compelling gameplay experience.

Want to get ready for it? You can brush up on your history a little by playing the original cult classic Beneath a Steel Sky easily thanks to ScummVM, since the game itself is free. Follow Beyond a Steel Sky on Steam. Once a confirmed release date is mentioned, we will let you know.

Are you going to pick it up when it releases?

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Naib Jun 29, 2020
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fk yes! been itching for a new game and quite a few are being delayed.

they better have that robot
Shmerl Jun 29, 2020
GOG release is coming too?
wolfyrion Jun 29, 2020
I dont remember anything about Beyond a Steel Sky
I dont remember if I finish it or rage quit

I guess I will have to play it again....
Ehvis Jun 29, 2020
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Quoting: wolfyrionI dont remember anything about Beyond a Steel Sky
I dont remember if I finish it or rage quit

I guess I will have to play it again....

I remember that I finished it. It is one of those games that have been in the Ubuntu repos since the beginning of time (approximately) so it was a long time ago. Apart from a few iconic scenes, I don't remember the story at all. So my question is now, do I replay the Beneath a Steel Sky before this one and will I have time.
gnanini Jun 29, 2020
Seems a solid title!!
mcphail Jun 29, 2020
Slightly excited about this, but the minimum system requirements are beyond the capabilities of my potato. Maybe it is time to upgrade if I can't even run an adventure game!
jordicoma Jun 29, 2020
I love graphical adentures. Revolution does make great games, and "beneath a steel sky" was one of the first games I played on linux (scummvm), so, yes, I will buy it.
Anza Jun 29, 2020
Quoting: Ehvis
Quoting: wolfyrionI dont remember anything about Beyond a Steel Sky
I dont remember if I finish it or rage quit

I guess I will have to play it again....

I remember that I finished it. It is one of those games that have been in the Ubuntu repos since the beginning of time (approximately) so it was a long time ago. Apart from a few iconic scenes, I don't remember the story at all. So my question is now, do I replay the Beneath a Steel Sky before this one and will I have time.

I have finished it too. I remember that it has at least one annoying pixel hunting puzzle. Though as the game is pretty old, they didn't know better back then.
Spoiler, click me
I remember that there was something small in middle of the floor, I think it was some kind of factory or something.
Arehandoro Jun 29, 2020
I hope the game it's better than the last games from Revolution...
kaiman Jun 29, 2020
Quoting: ShmerlGOG release is coming too?
Quite likely, but looks like it's not such a high priority. I'll be waiting patiently ...
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