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An RPG without combat? Are they mad? No but they're quite funny actually. Clam Man 2: Headliner is a stand-up comedy RPG and it has a free prologue out with Clam Man 2: Open Mic.

Play as the titular Clam Man and uncover a secret lurking in the basement of Snacky Bay Prime Mayonnaise that will change the course of your life! A comedy club, who would have guessed? Clam Man 2 is a stand-up comedy RPG adventure with no combat where you talk about lots of weird things and attempt to be funny.

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Not only is it charming, colourful and funny it's also narrative-heavy. There's reading and more reading, so if action is more your thing this is not the RPG you're looking for. If you've got the time to spare though it's definitely worth a run through. A pretty unique idea that thankfully stands out quite well, with a stats system spread across:

  • Aquadynamics - your ability to perform physical comedy, mime, act out scenarios or just remain deadpan!
  • Improv - the ability to think on the spot, be strange and absurd, or come up with new takes or ideas!
  • Detection - your ability to perceive the world and use logic to deduce it! The key ingredient in observation comedy!
  • Self-Awareness - how much of an absolute mess you are! Taking a page from games like Fallout: New Vegas and 'dumb' playthroughs, high Self-Awareness could turn you into an empathic, nervous wreck, while Low Self-Awareness will let you be mean to children, slap people, and blurt out the most unbelievable b******t you could think of. Yay for self-deprecating comedy!

The developer mentioned that it's highly replayable, since you will see a different branching dialogue based on what stats you go for, which you set up by filling in a form in the intro that's quite cleverly done actually. The developer also said that "chances are that other outcomes and absurdities hide behind a different character build". This is also true of the joke system, with quests being character-based and so what you get will be different each time for getting jokes so it needs multiple playthroughs to see all the jokes.

At one point you get to talk to a Woolly Mammoth, even though you're underwater and it tells you lies about what a sandwich is. I'm not questioning what's going on at this point but Woolie is clearly lying about burgers being a sandwich.

Clam Man 2: Open Mic contains the first full day in a much bigger upcoming game. Absolutely wonderful idea. Doing quests to build material for jokes, can't wait to see the full game.

You can play Clam Man 2: Open Mic free on Steam.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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tuubi Jun 22, 2020
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The first game is quite short and the gameplay is nothing special, but the humour was top notch. They're definitely playing to their strengths with a sequel all about comedy. :)

I'll have to give this a go.
Liam Dawe Jun 22, 2020
Quoting: GuestDespite the Steam icon, Steam is telling me it will launch the game using Proton…
Sounds like something is messed up your end, the Linux build is there and configured correctly.
Gooda Jun 22, 2020
QuoteNot only is it charming, colourful and funny it's also narrative-heavy.

QuoteAbsolutely wonderful idea. Doing quests to build material for jokes, can't wait to see the full game.

I love the idea! I'll definitively be keeping my eye on this one.

I'm adding it to my wishlist!

Last edited by Gooda on 23 June 2020 at 6:09 pm UTC
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