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Colourful party game Aeolis Tournament launches July 16

By - | Views: 9,784

Aeolis Tournament, the first title from Canadian developer Beyond Fun Studio now has a confirmed release date of July 16 and this will feature Linux support.

Inspired by Nintendo-style party games, Aeolis Tournament will have up to 8 players compete in various game modes based on a simple one-button mechanic. Characters use an air cannon to control the power of the wind and affect their surroundings. It's a high-tempo game in the vein of Fuzion Frenzy with a cartoony and colourful art direction. Aeolis Tournament features physics-based gameplay, a tournament mode and local & online multiplayer play.

See their new teaser below:

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What they say it will feature:

  • Up to 8 players Multiplayer Offline/Online cross-platform.
  • Simple controls/mechanic: accessible and fun for all type of players.
  • 6 game modes and 6 characters!
  • Achievements and progression system with unlockable items.
  • Customization: fashion items & character skins.
  • Will be supported with new content post launch (game modes, characters, items).

When it launches on July 16 it will come with a 15% discount for a week, then the game will come back to its full price of $14.99, €12,49 and £11.49.

You can follow Aeolis Tournament on Steam.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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14 Jun 20, 2020
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I'm looking forward to this just because my friends have been playing more party games this year. I might get it right at release.
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