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Depanneur Nocturne is a short and sweet game about finding a gift

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Depanneur Nocturne is a short, sweet and experimental game from KO_OP about finding a gift for a special someone in a store that's soon to close.

KO_OP, founded in 2012, is an artist run and owned studio focused on experimenting with games and interactive art. Depanneur Nocturne is one of the titles created as a result of them creating space for their team to experiment 'without the demands of a large production'. Depanneur Nocturne is a quirky title with a wonderfully bright art style, aimed to be a 'single-sitting game' that's thoroughly intriguing.

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  • Shop and explore at your own pace, discovering new secrets the longer you stay
  • Collect as many or as few gifts as your heart desires, budget is of no concern when it comes to your love!
  • Set in a magical, mystical interpretation of Montréal
  • Estimated completion time: 1–2 hours, a miniature jaunt
  • Fully bilingual (English and French with a Québec twist) - switch as you like!

Looks wonderful and so far it's getting some nice user reviews, plus they launched with a Linux version too. Hopefully they will continue that with future titles.

You can find it on and Steam.

Article taken from
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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1 comment

Nezchan Jun 10, 2020
Given I live within walking distance of Québec, I should check this out.
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