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Godot Engine 3.2.2 RC 1 is out towards a feature-packed release

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Godot Engine is progressing and getting close to a new release with Godot 3.2.2 and it's going to be quite feature-filled with a new Release Candidate ready for testing.

Not as big as Godot Engine 4.0 will be later this year that pulls in Vulkan and many other rendering overhauls and advancements but Godot 3.2.2 is still quite big. You wouldn't think it going by the small version bump though and the first Release Candidate is pushing it through the final stages.

The big new features:

The batching support is a nice addition, should give a healthy performance boost to many different games. Sounds like batching for GLES3 might even make it into a future 3.x series release, although GLES3 itself will eventually be removed in Godot 4.x as they will stick with GLES2 and Vulkan in future. That's only the main stuff, they cherry-picked around 700 other additions and fixes for this release.

While it's not a stable release, they are hoping plenty of people try it out with their projects to ensure it's a good release. See the Godot 3.2.2 RC 1 release announcement here.

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