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Kharon's Crypt - Even Death May Die launches into Early Access

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You've played retro inspired games aplenty I'm sure but Kharon's Crypt - Even Death May Die takes that to another level with the artwork. Note: key provided by the developer.

Kharon’s Crypt is a dark and gloomy, non-linear dungeon crawler filled to the brim with puzzles, riddles and challenges with graphics inspired by the much loved Game Boy Color. You play as Kharon, a being that's supposed to be like Death itself as you guide them to break out of imprisonment by a deranged king attempting to escape from death.

Over two years since the Kickstarter campaign, Kharon's Crypt - Even Death May Die has released into Early Access on Steam. Although, the developer did say to us the game is "finished" technically and can be completed by they want to add more of everything.

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  • You can possess all enemies.
  • Each exanimate has unique properties: bats can fly, skeletons can open locks...
  • Multiple items with different powers and abilities.
  • Near 100 collectable Necronomicon pages full of lore (illustrated).
  • Nonlinear Metroidvania world design.
  • Dozens of mysteries, side quests and puzzles.
  • More than 9 challenging Boss Fights!
  • 52 Unlockable Achievements.
  • Original soundtrack.
  • Colorblind-Friendly Design. Kharon's Crypt has been designed taking into account three types of color blindness –protanopia, deuteranopia and tritanopia– in order to make the game more accessible.

The level of detail to which they went through on the style is impressive. Right now it performs well and looks good, the only issue appears to be that gamepads don't yet work in the Linux version. As always with Early Access, issues are to be expected. We'll be taken a good look at it once that's sorted but so far it seems like a great retro adventure.

Find it on Steam where it's 10% off until June 12.

Wonderful to see another crowdfunded game release, we've made sure it's noted on our dedicated crowdfunding page. It's sits next to hundreds of others!

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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