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Mars Power Industries: First Job is a sweet free puzzle game out now

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Mars Power Industries: First Job is a sweet puzzle game release free that also acts as a prequel to Mars Power Industries Deluxe which was wonderful.

Your task is to go through 18 levels of house-building on the dusty red planet. Every puzzle is bite-sized, taking only a few minutes and it's quite relaxing just like the full Mars Power Industries Deluxe. The Deluxe version was also updated around the same time with another 24 levels too. Technically, you could think of First Job like a demo of the much bigger Deluxe game.

As you place down housing on blue crystals, any connected in a straight line get sucked on up for power. It's your job to place them down correctly in a way that allows all of your given houses to be placed down.

Not entirely that simple though, as you're also given power towers you need to put down which will expand your reach producing more of these blue crystals. There's levels that also require you to place houses down in a way that allows them to suck up a certain amount of these crystals. Mars Power Industries is a puzzle game that's all about finding the correct placement.

Feature Highlight:

  • Build the colony! Play 18 ENTIRELY NEW levels! Watch what happened before the events of Mars Power Industries Deluxe.
  • Perfect bite-sized puzzles, every puzzle takes just 5 moves.
  • No engineering knowledge needed! Puzzles are only about proper placement and order of operations.
  • Expand the colony, place power towers, move energy around the colony to power up all buildings. Then move buildings themselves to better positions!
  • Chill out and follow a classic science fiction story told without words.
  • No high-scores, no pressure. Nothing. It’s only space...

Find Mars Power Industries: First Job free on Steam, an ice little no-stress puzzle idea that's quite fun. If you like you can also find Mars Power Industries Deluxe over here.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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