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Physics-based building game 'Besiege' adds a powerful new tool

By - | Views: 13,134

Besiege is a fantastic build and destroy game all about making medieval siege engines and with the latest update it gained a very useful new tool.

They already provide a ton of blocks and tools, allowing players to create anything from a simple rolling vehicle that just bumps into everything up to massive robots capable of immense destruction. However, it was somewhat limited by what it gave you, even though you could be incredibly creative in your creations. With the latest update though, there's a new very powerful Build Surface feature.

Build Surface lets you create entirely custom shaped panels and blocks using a simple grid system to map-out your new creation, which you can then manipulate into curved shapes too.

While in the game now, it's still considered experimental while they work out any edge-cases with it. Awesome idea though, opening up a lot more options since the Build Surface creations snap fully to your machines like an other block would. With the curve possibilities too, it means you can have more aerodynamic creations and make all sorts of extra complicated machines. I can certainly think of many fun uses.

Besiege left Early Access in February and it's gone on to become one of the most highly rated games on Steam. An "Overwhelmingly Positive" user review score from over 31 thousand people. Amazing.

You can buy Besiege from Humble Store, GOG and Steam

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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drlamb Jun 16, 2020
One step closer to my ultimate pirate destruction sim dreams. Imagine sailing around in a proper ship besieging a fortress on an island hill...makes me some type of way.
randyl Jun 16, 2020
Good news. Besiege already has a ton of build flexibility. A lot of ideas come to mind. The trick and challenge is making them actually function properly.
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