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Just released is Secret Government, a brand new grand strategy game from GameTrek and 1C Entertainment that came with same-day Linux support.

Taking place from the 17th century right up to modern times, Secret Government tasks you with leading a secret organization as you spread your influence across the globe, rewriting key historical events and deciding the fate of humankind. Manage your resources as you manipulate the actions of the world’s leaders. From strategically planting your agents in vulnerable regions, to infiltrating powerful institutions of authority, anyone can be your pawn as you exploit their resources and seize control over key decision-makers.

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It's currently in Early Access with a clear roadmap pointing to a full release in October this year. Over the next few months they will be adding in multiple new campaigns, AI improvements, expanding the free play mode and a lot more. The current version starts you during the Glorious Revolution in England, where you will face a hostile secret organization whose methods are similar to yours, but their goals are completely different.

Feature Highlight:

  • Rewrite History - From the 17th century to the present day, the War of Independence to the French and Napoleonic Wars, each mission will drop players into major global conflicts, tasking them with manipulating the outcome to serve the Brotherhood’s ambitions.
  • Play Your Pawns - The world’s most powerful figures - from national rulers to military superpowers - are but mere pawns to you. Learn to manipulate their complex AI machinations as you leverage their unique abilities to shape the world to your needs.
  • Indirect Influence - Why should you have to do the heavy lifting of executing your diplomatic, economic, and militaristic ambitions? Plant your own agents and indirectly coerce others to do your bidding with over 50 types of actions intended to upend the world’s balance in your favor while keeping your hands clean.
  • Manipulate a Living World - From ideologies to social classes, taxes to civil unrest, the world of Secret Government is comprised of countless interconnected sociopolitical systems that effectively simulate a believable and reactionary world. While world leaders strive to maintain the status quo, how will you destabilize the system and trigger worldwide change?
  • You’re Not Alone in the Shadows - Facing down a hostile secret organization that isn’t afraid to manipulate their way into the history books, make every action and choice count in order to outthink the competition and maintain your hard-earned secrecy and level of infiltration in the shadows.

We've been provided with a key by the publisher, so once we've put some time into it we will let you know some thoughts on it. If you're interested you can buy Secret Government from Humble Store and Steam.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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GeoGalvanic Jun 25, 2020
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Tried to play this one but couldn't make it to the title screen due to crashes. Tried emailing their support and never got a response :(
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