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State Share, one of the features of Stadia that Google announced early on looks to be finally coming along with the release of the Stadia exclusive Crayta.

Crayta is one of the titles announced during the April Stadia Connect presentation. It looks like a huge amount of fun too. A creative game where you and others can build and share multiplayer games, bringing down barriers to enable play and creation in real-time and then instant play them and get anyone else to join in. It's one of the games that (in my opinion) might actually pull people into Stadia properly because of the uniqueness to it and how Stadia can benefit such a game.

You can see the original Crayta trailer below:

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So what about this State Share then? Well, it's supposed to be a feature where a link can be provided to anyone to enable them to jump directly into a game session. It could get people right into the game you're currently in through a temporary link, setup a permanent link for a specific map or game mode any time and more. It's a Stadia feature that has a huge amount of potential and Crayta sounds like a perfect fit to show it off. You can see the development post about it here.

Crayta is due to release on Stadia this Summer, so it will be playable on Linux since Stadia supports Linux. It will also be a free game for those with Stadia Pro.

For more info on Crayta, see the official site.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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drlamb Jun 4, 2020
It also appears they're paying out for the best/most creative games created within.
Linuxwarper Jun 4, 2020
It seems like they looked at Minecraft and Fortnite and decided to make a game that has both aspects.
elmapul Jun 4, 2020
great, now we can pay to create games for google for free...
so we can earn 0 cents while they profit from our content and our content can be locked to their cloud.

quite smarth strategy from then, but i will pass.
elmapul Jun 4, 2020
Quoting: drlambIt also appears they're paying out for the best/most creative games created within.

ok, at least they have prizes, but... i dont know, you can make an game by your self and sell up to millions of units, or earn an salary for making the best game for then...
Liam Dawe Jun 4, 2020
Quoting: elmapul
Quoting: drlambIt also appears they're paying out for the best/most creative games created within.

ok, at least they have prizes, but... i dont know, you can make an game by your self and sell up to millions of units, or earn an salary for making the best game for then...
No different than people building games in stuff like Roblox though, which is ridiculously popular. Roblox, however, can't be run on Linux, this can. I'm fully expecting Crayta to find its place, even I might have a go at it, looks fun.
Mordrag Jun 4, 2020
It is not like creating a game on youre own with the same scope as one in crayta is a shitload of work. Apart from that marketing etc. ... I have the feeling some people just like to bash :)
Mezron Jun 4, 2020
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Quoting: elmapulgreat, now we can pay to create games for google for free...
so we can earn 0 cents while they profit from our content and our content can be locked to their cloud.

quite smarth strategy from then, but i will pass.

You would have hated the 90's mod craze, then.
randyl Jun 4, 2020
Crayta looks pretty cool and the platform really needs more titles in the library. The "state share" feature sounds like an answer to a manufactured problem. We'll see if Crayta sells it or not, but the game looks interesting enough to me without that feature.
elmapul Jun 5, 2020
Quoting: MordragIt is not like creating a game on youre own with the same scope as one in crayta is a shitload of work. Apart from that marketing etc. ... I have the feeling some people just like to bash :)

wth does that means?
you ares saying that making games on crayta will be much easier than making on you own?
or the opposite?
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