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The next big Albion Online update arrives in August

By - | Views: 13,574

Albion Online is set to expand once again with the Rise of Avalon that will bring in 'a new era' according to the developer Sandbox Interactive.

This free expansion will bring in powerful new weapons like the Avalonian Cannon with a beam that continually moves and the Avalonian Cursed Staff that "summons an enemy's cursed inner spirit". Sandbox say all the new weapons will thoroughly mix up Albion's combat and make it more unpredictable. Travelling across the world will be mixed up too with the Roads of Avalon paths, creating unique and constantly changing connections across the world helping to unlock more hidden areas too.

Personally, I'm more excited about the Corrupted Dungeons. These new dungeons will be aimed at solo players, and will close once you enter them to give more PvE experiences. However, one other player can invade to mix it up and give you a fun 1v1 PvP mix into it. You can see a teaser trailer below:

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Sandbox said to expect more info over the coming weeks.

You can play Albion Online free from the official site and Steam.

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