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Dungeon exploring puzzler 'The Wizard: WizHarder Edition' announced

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The Wizard: WizHarder Edition was announced recently, as an expanded and upgraded edition of the very popular free web game that's been going for 6 years now.

Initially starting as a small experiment written in HTML5/JavaScript, it eventually grew into a full game with an extensive campaign, high-quality soundtrack, and delightful 16-bit visuals. To this day, Hypnotic Owl say it's gained "over half a million players" and considering the very warm reception to the web-game with players "demanding more", they've decided to remake it for desktop players with The Wizard: WizHarder Edition.

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Interestingly, they also said that The Wizard is one of the first projects to receive a grant from the newly-established games fund by the German government. With that, Hypnotic Owl is now able to make the Wizard game they always envisioned keeping the same idea but with many improvements and overall a much expanded experience.

Feature Highlight:

  • Brain-teasing, turn-based dungeon crawl
  • Unique gesture-based spell casting
  • New levels, spells and enemies
  • New Roguelike Mode with daily challenges
  • A Mario Maker-style level editor to create and share levels
  • Complete graphical and mechanical overhaul (including checkpoints!)
  • A remastered and expanded version of its magical soundtrack

You can wishlist/follow The Wizard: WizHarder Edition on Steam. It's due for release in November 2020. Additionally, you can play the classic version in your browser here.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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14 Jul 12, 2020
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Trying this out in the browser right now. Seems pretty cool.
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