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FMV mystery thriller 'Jessika' will launch on August 25

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Assemble Entertainment and Tritrie Games have confirmed that Jessika, a full-motion video mystery-adventure will be launching with Linux support on August 25.

Your job as a digital content specialist is to go through the footprint left behind by deceased people, on behalf of their relatives. In Jessika, the subject is a sensitive one as it's touching on suicide and it seems their family are determined to find out why. What at first seems to be a job like any other quickly develops into a dark drama with twists and turns.

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Briefly mentioned here on GOL recently and now we actually have that release date. As a reminder, the actual FMV was not done in English, with that being dubbed on top. Assemble Entertainment, who are publishing it, mentioned that you can adjust it so the FMV is in the native language with subtitles if you prefer.

As you get into it you will come across all sorts of pictures, videos, notes, news articles and more as you continue to dig deeper into the life of Jessika. In a way, you could say the design and the way it works is perhaps a little like Her Story with an entirely different setting. The developer said you will need to use "your savvy and combine the facts to unfold the true story of Jessika".

You can follow Jessika on Steam for release on August 25.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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DrMcCoy Jul 1, 2020
It would be helpful to say which native language it was originally in. :P
Liam Dawe Jul 1, 2020
Quoting: DrMcCoyIt would be helpful to say which native language it was originally in. :P
They've not actually stated that clearly, I assume German since it's where the studio is from and the only other mentioned language in the Steam sidebar info. Will update when they reply.

Last edited by Liam Dawe on 1 July 2020 at 11:22 am UTC
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