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Like sumo wrestling with explosions, BOMBFEST is pretty amusing

By - | Views: 14,824

BOMBFEST, an explosive party game that released last year seems to have been missed by most and it's seen very few user reviews which is a shame due to how fun it actually is. Note: key provided by the developer.

The developer says it's like 'sumo wrestling with explosives' and that's hilariously accurate. Four players run around a small map, while throwing around blocks and bombs to attempt to knock the other players off. Simple, highly accessible as it only needs a few buttons and it's also hilarious. A sweet style too, with everything made to look like children's toys as you battle across wooden forts, on folding chairs, and inside the kitchen sink.

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Considering how much fun we had playing it here in the GOL office, it's quite likely to end up in our personal rotation of party games to play together. Some of it's ridiculous too, like the level with a moving train. There's been a few times where a carefully timed bomb throw will have the train save you from falling off while the other player goes flying and it's so very satisfying. If you don't have people to play with, the good news is that it has AI players too so you can play it entirely solo. You can also try it with Remote Play Together!

Feature Highlight:

  • 4 player local multiplayer for friendly battles or settling grudges!
  • 13 unique bombs for blowing away the competition!
  • 14 hand-crafted stages for you to duke it out on!
  • Plenty of options and modifiers to customize your experience!
  • Unlock new bombs, stages, characters, and more as you play!

BOMBFEST is available on Steam for some over the top explosive fun. It's also 85% off during the Steam Summer Sale that ends tomorrow, July 9 at 5PM UTC.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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