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Vagrus - The Riven Realms, an upcoming turn-based narrative exploration RPG now has a Prologue available to get a feel for if it might be your thing.

It has a strong emphasis on the narrative side of it, with a fair amount of reading being needed while you explore and travel across a dark fantasy world as the leader of a caravan. This is a world that was absolutely annihilated by the gods, who didn't like what they saw, and now unspeakable horrors roam the lands. This Prologue contains the beginning sections of the game - both from the more narrative-driven introductory part and from the open-world main campaign.

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Vagrus is a huge mix of genres. It has an open-world setting letting you go where you wish, while also having a branching narrative to back it up as you explore and meet new people. There's also turn-based combat with characters of various abilities that acts a bit like an RPG and there's also resource and people management that comes into it too. Since you're the leader of a travelling caravan, you also have wages and personnel issues to deal with.

The rise of the Prologue continues, not that I'm complaining, as we've long had to deal with demos being quite a rare sight. Releasing a Prologue as a standalone demo has now become a lot more common, and it appears it does work in a lot of cases to help the full release which is why so many now do it.

Lost Pilgrims Studio also have a Fig campaign too, which is a hybrid of Early Access / Crowdfunding that's recently hit over $90,000 so it's quite a success.

You can pick up Vagrus - The Riven Realms: Prologue free on and the Steam Store. The full game, which will be in Early Access, is planned for July 22.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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scaine Jul 13, 2020
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Just played through the prologue. You're right, Liam, it's incredibly narrative heavy and needs a fair bit of patience. The story/style of the thing weirdly reminds me of Pyre a little - chatting to your companions on the road, while managing the resources needed to get to the next location. However, if you've ever played Nowhere Prophet, you'll see some similarities there too, although Vagrus isn't card-based. The combat is very similar though!

It has a very laid-back style. Hints of Darkest Dungeon, but no where near as grim.

I really enjoyed it, but I'll hang fire on the full purchase for now, as the slower-pace is something I have to be in the right head space for, and right now, I need the instant gratification of something like Grim Dawn instead!
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