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After the release of a free Prologue with Saint Kotar: The Yellow Mask and a Kickstarter campaign that is now completed, the full Saint Kotar experience is on the way.

Saint Kotar is a psychological horror adventure game placed within a beautifully hand-painted world, brought to life with an amazing chilling atmosphere and soundtrack to recount a dark and frightening tale of change.

Showing that the point and click adventure genre is very much alive, Red Martyr Entertainment didn't just finish their crowdfunding campaign, they actually ended up getting €50,178 in funding which was quite a bit over the initial goal they had set. Thanks to that, they're going to ensure the game has full voice acting and there will be a DLC (free for backers) to explain some backstory.

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The demo, Saint Kotar: The Yellow Mask, was actually quite impressive so it's not exactly surprising that they managed to pull in enough people to get the funding. We also had a chat with the developer, you can read our previous interview here for some interesting background info. Since it's now funded, it's listed on our dedicated Crowdfunding Page.

Planned release features include:

  • Dark psychological horror adventure set in the small rural town of Sveti Kotar.
  • More than 70 locations to explore of a vast and foreboding world.
  • Up to 20 hours of gameplay weaved into a mysterious and gripping branching plot.
  • Two fascinating playable characters, two captivating storylines.
  • Decisions are fateful and affect the storylines.
  • Hand-painted distinctive art style that fits the game’s mood.
  • Fully voiced.
  • Eerie original soundtrack.
  • Modern twist on a classically inspired point and click adventure gameplay.

Check out the finished Kickstarter here, and try the free Saint Kotar: The Yellow Mask on Steam now. You can also wishlist the full Saint Kotar game on Steam. The full game is due to release in August 2021, although that date may change.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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razing32 Jul 28, 2020
Hope i see my name in the credits for backers
Eike Jul 28, 2020
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Quoting: razing32Hope i see my name in the credits for backers

Me too! :-)
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