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Top-down tactical shooter RUNNING WITH RIFLES to get a German DLC

By - | Views: 20,447

RUNNING WITH RIFLES, a popular tactical shooter from Osumia Games is set to get a second expansion this August focused on the Germans.

The expansion, RUNNING WITH RIFLES: EDELWEISS heads to the European theatre of World War II, first parachuting into Sicily before moving on to the invasion of Normandy, Belgium, and more. Focussing mostly on an 'Allied Paratrooper' narrative, Edelweiss charts the progress of the Allies attacks across Europe. They're saying it should release on August 27 unless there's major issues. See the teaser below:

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What's planned for the DLC:

  • 2 full campaigns (one Axis, one Allied) spanning several major battles of the Western Front
  • 7 unique maps based on historical locations and battles
  • unique set of historical vehicles, from assault guns to halftracks to heavy tanks
  • historical arsenal of weapons that evolves as the war progresses
  • new factions and variations - the United States Airborne forces, the British Army and Airborne, the regular German Wehrmacht, the elite "Panzergrenadiere", and more
  • 40+ multiplayer support, dedicated servers, coop, PvP, PvPvE

RUNNING WITH RIFLES is a huge amount of fun if you're willing to get over an initial short learning curve. Thankfully though, it's been updated a lot over the years and the help system is pretty good at showing you some initial tips to get you going.

Pictured: the helpful tips system.

I have some pretty fond memories of the hilarious action that you can have, thanks to it being truly quite tactical. With various weapon types, vehicles and the game mechanics that all give it great feel as a whole. It's possibly the most tactical top-down shooter I've ever played.

You can buy RWR from Humble Store and Steam. The EDELWEISS expansion is tentatively dated for August 27.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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