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Wasteland 3 for Linux (and Mac) delayed, possible by end of 2020

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inXile entertainment today put out a fresh update to go over Wasteland 3 details and they've decided to delay the Linux and Mac versions.

After a successful Fig crowdfunding campaign in 2016, it saw inXile manage to pull in over three million dollars although over two million of that was monies from Fig directly. Since then, Microsoft swooped in and acquired inXile (and
Obsidian Entertainment) as part of Xbox Game Studios back in 2018.

The actual release date for Wasteland 3 was only put down recently as August 28, today though that changes for Linux and Mac. In the update post they said they made the "difficult decision" to focus currently on just Windows 10, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4. However, they will be "prioritizing" the work needed for Linux and Mac "post-launch" and they expect it to be finished "by the end of the year". Delays are never fun but if this means they truly dedicate some resources to it, therefore ensuring it results in "a better overall product for Mac and Linux" then hopefully it will be a good quality port.

With that in mind, they seem to be going about this in quite a sensible way and mentioned that they're offering refunds beyond the normal cut-offs but you need to do so before keys/physical rewards have shipped. So if you can't wait, you should act on a refund now.

You can wishlist/follow or whatever else on GOG and Steam. Latest trailer available below:

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Tags: Delayed, GOG, RPG, Steam, Upcoming | Apps: Wasteland 3
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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randyl Jul 10, 2020
The port delay is not unexpected to me. There were some issues with the Bard's Tale 4 Linux port for a while. These were fixed shortly after release but I feel it would have been smoother for them to wait a month or two; first to iron out main game engine issues and then the port issues. I got the impression trying to cover both at the same time created extra overhead for them.

It's interesting they chose to still do a Linux port. During Bard's Tale 4 they seemed very interested in the fact that it ran, almost perfectly, through Proton at the time. Their PR contacts didn't seem aware of Proton at all until I mentioned that is how I got the game working.

This is a studio I feel still has passion and vision for their titles. I hope Wasteland 3 turns out well.
Salvatos Jul 10, 2020
Calling it now: after several weeks of fixing bugs and patching in response to player feedback, they’ll delay the ports again to "focus on making it the best experience for everyone first".
Ehvis Jul 10, 2020
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Still need to finish the second one, so I could use some extra time :) Still, hoping a certain Dutch expression will not be applicable.
dibz Jul 10, 2020
August is pretty soon. Hopefully they're doing this to prevent any sort of gruelling crunch time, in which case I fully support the decision. If they're trying to optimize the crunch in their gruelling crunch time, then I wish they'd push back the release date instead though.
Kohrias Jul 10, 2020
During their campaign they promised: "Simultaneously releasing to Windows, Mac, Linux, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.". It is still up on their fig page.

They gathered a couple of million dollars with their promise. And now they don't deliver. How is that ok?

To me this is fraud. Giving back the money to the affected people with interest should be the bare minimum. There should be some additional compensation and/or punishment involved in my opinion.

Edit: The additional compensation should actually be high enough to deter companies from doing this so casually all the time.

Last edited by Kohrias on 10 July 2020 at 5:43 pm UTC
TheSHEEEP Jul 10, 2020
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Quoting: KohriasDuring their campaign they promised: "Simultaneously releasing to Windows, Mac, Linux, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.". It is still up on their fig page.
You must be new to crowdfunding.
These goals are always just goals, never promises or anything they'd actually be liable for (as long as they can prove they at least tried to fulfill the goals, at least KS works that way).

You can't plan a project ahead by multiple years so well that reality won't be able to throw a few wrenches in your gears.
Crunching your team or releasing subpar versions are worse alternatives than delays.

Still, I'd always release all versions at the same time if anyhow possible, it just makes the most sense due to the release buzz. OS-specific releases never generate any real buzz.
They might have specific deals for the Windows/Xbox/PS4 releases, though (including marketing), making postponements of these barely possible.

Last edited by TheSHEEEP on 10 July 2020 at 6:25 pm UTC
Kohrias Jul 10, 2020
Quoting: TheSHEEEPYou can't plan a project ahead by multiple years so well that reality won't be able to throw a few wrenches in your gears.
Crunching your team or releasing subpar versions are worse alternatives than delays.

We are not really talking about a plain delay though. They are delivering to certain platforms while postponing (potentially indefinitely) others to maximize their profits.
Kimyrielle Jul 10, 2020
Why is that NOT surprising, coming from the same company who needed about a year after the Windows release to deliver the promised Bards Tale IV port. "Difficult decision"'s just how these people operate.
TheRiddick Jul 11, 2020
I always manage to loose my previous game save files, and to top it off completely forget what the hell I did in that playthrough. DA Inquisition had a way of solving this by letting you pick the backstory and import it in the new games to keep continuity.
Eike Jul 11, 2020
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Quoting: randylTTheir PR contacts didn't seem aware of Proton at all until I mentioned that is how I got the game working.

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