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3D Realms announces the Realms Deep 2020 digital event for September

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Are you a fan of first-person shooters? Mark down September 5 - 6 in your calendar as 3D Realms (and "Friends") have announced the Realms Deep 2020 event. With travel still being crazy due to COVID19, this is another wonderful sounding online event to keep you busy.

This event will be featuring companies including 3D Realms, New Blood, Running With Scissors, Nightdive Studios, 1C Entertainment, Apogee Software and a bunch of special guests too like Cliff Bleszinski and John Romero. As for what will be shown? Well, it's not entirely clear, the actual schedule is just a bunch of ??'s. Obviously though lots of first-person shooting and slashing is to be expected. Check out their brief teaser trailer below:

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They said there will be a bunch of games featured including multiple upcoming and already released Linux games like Prodeus, Core Decay, Hedon, Warfork and others too including some DOOM conversions like The Adventures of Square. Expect more than that though, they're saying it will also have world premiers so it's likely to have some new game announcements and fresh footage of already announced titles. All sounds pretty exciting.

On top of that there's going to be a Child’s Play charity drive. It will be live between 6PM UTC - 11PM UTC (11:00 AM PT - 4:00 PM PT) on 3D Realms' Twitch. You can see the event website here. There will also be a Realms Deep Steam Sale happening from September 3 - 7.

We will be keeping an eye on it to let you know of any important announcements.

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Tags: Event, Upcoming
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Shmerl Aug 12, 2020
Oh, interesting. Surprising they didn't mention Ion Fury.
Cybolic Aug 12, 2020
It took me a moment or two to realise that the Child's Play charity they're talking about is this one, and not some sort of fundraiser for the Chucky series from Don Mancini. We are talking about New Blood, Running With Scissors and the resurrected 3D Realms here after all, so it didn't seem that unlikely!
TheRiddick Aug 13, 2020
is the duke really dead forever? time will tell.
Kristian Aug 13, 2020
Quoting: TheRiddickis the duke really dead forever? time will tell.

3D Realms doe not own the Duke IP anymore, Gearbox does. So there won't be any Duke related news at this event.
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