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Application Systems Heidelberg have confirmed they have multiple games coming to Linux, and with Gamescom in full swing you can try out some of their demos. Here's a nice round-up of what's coming for you.

If you've not heard of them before; Application Systems Heidelberg are something of an industry veteran that's been around since 1985, also sometimes referred to as ASHGames. They are the publishers of multiple previous Linux titles like THE LONGING, LUNA The Shadow Dust, Lamplight City, Unforeseen Incidents and more. They don't just publish, they also get their hands dirty with development and often help on various ports too. Here's a quick look over just a few of the titles they have coming.


Ghost on the Shore (Steam)

"An exploration game about emotional ties that transcend even death. Riley is faced with a headstrong ghost, urging her on an adventure across atmospheric shores, uncovering the island´s tragic secret. Choices in dialogue shape the bond between the two, ultimately deciding Riley´s fate. "

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  • Relationship exploration - a unique feature that allows the player to make choices in a subtle immersive way. Often all one has, is the power of words. And it is your choice to reach out or to alienate. Like in real life, you don't always know how your words will affect the other. Or what future they hold.
  • Emotional storytelling - something that we are both passionate and curious about. Players identify deeply with characters of flesh and blood that they can relate to. Through complex characters we´re able to tell stories that trigger a universal set of emotions.


Rosewater (Steam - GOG)

"Rosewater is a thrilling Western adventure set in an alternate 19th century. Harley Leger and her ragtag posse embark on a harrowing journey across Western Vespuccia, encountering bandits, rebels, visionaries, eccentrics, and many more friends and foes on their quest for fame and riches."

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  • A thrilling treasure hunt with 5 travel companions. Choices matter, relationships with your companions affect the trajectory of the story.
  • Inventory is back, but logical, streamlined, and easy to use—no banging things together to see what sticks. Many situations have multiple solutions based on play style.
  • Randomized encounter storylets on your journey, with different situations and outcomes that depend on your previous choices and available resources.
  • Fully rotoscoped animations and cinematic closeups emphasize the action.
  • High resolution 1280x720 graphics (yes, that's 720p!)
  • Full music score by Lamplight City composer Mark Benis, featuring live instruments.


Growbot (Steam - GOG)

"A point-and-click adventure about a robot saving her home from a dark crystalline force. Set upon a biopunk space station bursting with fantastic plants and aliens."

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  • Explore a beautiful space station and repair its strange machinery.
  • Interact with fantastic plants and aliens.
  • Use your Brain(apilla) to solve puzzles.
  • Collect the sounds of flowers and combine them to create powerful shields.
  • Meet a fluffy white hologram called Star Belly with a galaxy inside.
  • Unearth a tale of flower power with twisted roots.
  • Art by award winning illustrator Lisa Evans.
  • Beautiful music by musician Jessica Fichot.


Mutropolis (Steam - GOG)

"MUTROPOLIS is a lovely sci-fi adventure set on the abandoned Planet Earth. Play as Henry Dijon (hero, nerd, detective) in search of a legendary lost city. Uncover weird ancient artifacts. And PLEASE don’t get obliterated by an ageless evil. You’ve been warned."

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  • 50+ hand-drawn scenes, crammed with cute, weird characters.
  • Full voice over in English, text localizations in Spanish, German, French, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese, Korean and Japanese.
  • Archaeological puzzles with a sci-fi twist.


Haiki (Steam)

"Haiki is the BRUTAL precision platformer where decapitation is just the beginning! Dive head-first into four worlds of colour-switching, laser-dodging, lightning-fast action. Haiki is the platformer where you don't need a body to get ahead."

  • Fast-paced, intuitive, limb-free platforming
  • 80 levels, from EASY to PURE HELL
  • A story that makes Shakespeare look like an idiot
  • Speedrun mode for the truly hardcore
  • Collectible hats for the truly awesome

As a fun fact for you; Haiki is developed in Godot Engine, the free and open source game engine.

Note: we spoke directly to Application Systems Heidelberg to confirm all of these. They have more coming, and they're always reaching out to developers to work with them. The titles listed here, are just those being talked about/shown off and given a demo during Gamescom 2020. Mutropolis, Growbot, Haiki and Rosewater have Linux demos and will be available for Linux. Ghost on the shore will also be available but does not yet have a Linux demo. It's likely the demos disappear after Gamescom, so give them a try across the weekend.

You can also see their dedicated flashy page on Steam here. With multiple of their published titles on sale until August 30, including these gems:

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Nezchan Aug 27, 2020
Growbot looks like they lifted the Amanita Design (Machinarium, Samarost, etc.) style wholesale.
Purple Library Guy Aug 27, 2020
Well, good for them!
That's a fair range of games . . . they don't look like huge games, but sometimes you want something that isn't some massive commitment.
NoSt Aug 28, 2020
Great news!
I tried Growbot and Mutropolis during the last Steam Summer Game Festival.
Growbot definitely looks likes a game made by Amanita Design (as Nezchan already mentioned). The demo was so short, though, it was hard to evaluate the game.
Mutropolis is a classic point-and-click adventure game. The visual style reminded me of Broken Age from Double Fine.
slaapliedje Aug 28, 2020
Awesome, they used to make a lot of software for the Atari ST.
Perkeleen_Vittupää Aug 28, 2020
Yo, Mutropolis' link points to (as i suppose it should be)

You're welcome
Liam Dawe Aug 28, 2020
Quoting: Perkeleen_VittupääYo, Mutropolis' link points to (as i suppose it should be)

You're welcome
Thanks. In future please use the correction report button so we pick it up in case we don't have time to read comments.
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