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Ready for more physics fun, this time involving Zombies? Yep, it's happening. Bridge Constructor: The Walking Dead was announced during Gamescom today.

In development by ClockStone, the same team that made the previous Bridge Constructor, they're coming back to give us another dose of bridge building but with a different spin on things. Together with Headup and AMC, Bridge Constructor: The Walking Dead has yet to show any gameplay but they did offer a short live-action trailer:

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We spoke with the publisher, Headup, who confirmed it will be returning to Linux just like all the previous entries in the series which is great news. It's already showing up for Linux on Steam too, and it's due to release later this year but no exact date just yet. From the press release:

Join a group of survivors as they fight against hordes of undead walkers and a hostile human community. Build bridges and other constructions through bleak landscapes and ruined structures. Team up with fan-favorite characters like Daryl, Michonne and Eugene, and create safe passage for iconic vehicles from the series.

Use movable level objects, explosives and baits to your advantage as you lure walkers into lethal traps and guide your survivors to safety. Enjoy the physics-based frenzy and ragdoll animations as walkers succumb to the forces of gravity.

This isn't the first cross-over we've seen, as they did release Bridge Constructor Portal back in 2017 which was actually a lot of fun. So hopefully their new spin will do just as well here.

You can follow Bridge Constructor: The Walking Dead on Steam.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Dankrat169 Aug 27, 2020
Never played any Bridge Constructor, looks good. Maybe i will get it now it's on sale.
flesk 10 years Aug 28, 2020
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Never use headphones during a zombie apocalypse.
Guppy Aug 28, 2020
I've always enjoyed the Pontifex style games, but I'm not sure what adding zomebies to the equation will do for the gameplay. 🤔 Unless ofcourse you are meant to build the bridges so that the heroes can cross safely but and it will then collapse under the weight of the horde - that might pose an interesting and somewhat different challenge
Eike Aug 28, 2020
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Too stupid an idea to not give it a try. :-D
razing32 Aug 29, 2020
Bridge Constructor : Corona-chan , when ?
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