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Free and open source voxel RPG 'Veloren' has a huge new release out

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Veloren is an in-development open-world and open source voxel RPG, it shows a massive amount of promise and a brand new release is out for you to try. If you missed it, we did an interview with one of the developers back in June which is a good read if you want a little more background info.

Inspired by the likes of Cube World, Dwarf Fortress, and Breath of the Wild it could be something special and this brand new 0.7 release is showing more of what it's capable of.

Release Highlights:

  • Progression: crafting system, stats system for items, and improved character saving
  • Exploration: dungeons, new world generation, and castles
  • Combat: new weapons, pets, particle system, skills, groups, improved AI, and new SFX

That's really just the tip of the code, there's so much that's improved it's crazy. NPCs call for help if attacked, there's speech bubbles for nearby players when talking, a new context-sensitive crosshair was added, there's a Lottery system for loot, a server whitelist system, better pathfinding and the list just goes on. Amazing work by all the contributors.

They're also having a release party today at 18:00 GMT/11:00 PST/14:00 EST/20:00 CET. All you need to do is make sure you're up to date and logged into the main server.

Grab it free from the official site, using the launcher is the easiest way.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Tchey Aug 16, 2020
I’m following it since quite early playable prototypes, and the progress made are amazing.
If it stays on its course, it’s going be be great.
Julius Aug 16, 2020
Quoting: PatolaI guess that game would feel even better if it had VR. And it would be the first open-source game to do so...

There are quite a few open source games for VR already. But yeah, seems like this would be a nice addition.

Anyone knows how many players can play together in Veloren? Is it MMORPG like?
Edit: Actually yes, it is an MMO in theory, but right now the server options are limited and it seems like the official server is not (yet) meant to host hundreds of players.
Edit2: I asked the developers and the most simultaneous players they had so far was 54. And there seems to be a hard to track down bug right now that makes it difficult to add much more. But in general they are aiming at small MMO level player counts, so a few hundred players per server instance if possible (so in theory much more if servers are linked like in commercial MMOs).

Last edited by Julius on 16 August 2020 at 4:55 pm UTC
rustybroomhandle Aug 17, 2020
Quoting: PatolaI guess that game would feel even better if it had VR. And it would be the first open-source game to do so...

Can you maybe explain in more detail how VR would work with this? Bear in mind this is a third person game with camera that rotates around the character. Do you imagine it still using the same control scheme, but you can look away from the character? Or did you have something else in mind?
Julius Aug 17, 2020
@patola all of the ID software open source engines have be adapted to VR multiple times over. Doom, Quake 123, Doom3 you name it. Half-Life 1 also has a great Quest port using an open source (with some licensing caveats) engine. Return to Castle Wolfenstein will have a Quest version very soon.

As for Veloren: you can switch to a first person camera in game, and the way the models animations etc are set up, it would actually work quite well in VR I think. But the scale of the world might be a bit strange in VR.
noderunner Aug 18, 2020
Quoting: PatolaI guess that game would feel even better if it had VR. And it would be the first open-source game to do so...

I see we are enthused about VR. Yes, it is indeed exciting technology. Consider for a moment though, that perhaps VR is not in the scope of this project? Certainly not every game needs VR to be fun and enjoyable, right? Furthermore, the best VR experiences are the ones built from the ground up with VR in mind, not a game with VR features tacked on later.

Also I doubt this would be the first open-source VR game, but why would it matter? Surely we would expect VR to fit the project and made sense rather than for the bragging rights of being first.
garpu Aug 20, 2020
OK, what am I doing wrong in Veloren? It seems like everything I try attacking is way too high level for me, and I die. :/
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