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My experiences of Valve's VR on Linux

By -
Last updated: 12 Aug 2020 at 6:26 pm UTC

As the proud and excited owner of a shiny new Valve Index kit to go with my almost-new all-AMD rig, I thought I’d outline the journey to getting it all working, exclusively on Linux.

Now bear in mind that I’m not amazingly Linux-savvy. I’ve been using it since the early 2000’s, sure, and full time, exclusively, since 2013, but I’m not very interested in learning the guts of this stuff. I’m extremely technical as a network nerd, but my O/S is just a tool to let me run cool things. I want to be a “normal” consumer of that O/S and if things don’t work out of the box, I take a dim view of it and I don’t have a lot of patience for terminal hacks or “compiling my own kernel”.

Why is that important? Because  when it comes to the Valve Index on Linux, absolutely nothing works out of the box... and yet it’s still (mostly) a success story. Here are some of the hoops I had to jump through to get this stuff working (again, mostly).

My system:

  • Distribution: Mint 19.3
  • Desktop Environment: Cinnamon
  • RAM: 32GB
  • CPU Model: AMD 3900X
  • GPU Model: AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT

You can also see my specs in my profile or by clicking “View PC info” under my avatar in any of my comments, but I’ve listed them here so that this article notes them statically as those during my experience with the Index.

Edit: I'm also using Kernel 5.7.8 from Mainline here, which is important given the hardware I'm using. Also, the OIBAF PPA puts me on Mesa 20.2 at the time of writing.


It’s so pretty! The presentation and unboxing experience is very Apple-like or Google Pixel-like in that it tries to get your buy in just from opening the box! There’s a real wow-factor at play here. It’s a HUGE box, bigger than it needs to be probably, but the presentation is great.

(The HMD visor is so shiny and new that you can see me taking the photo in the third shot!)

There’s not many pictures from here on out, because trying to capture a VR experience with a screenshot (or even a video) is like trying to taste food with your nose pinched.

So, let’s get started!

First Attempt

The “Getting Started” card is pretty basic actually. In summary:

  • Basestations are plugged into a power outlet, front and back of room - check
  • Headset (HMD) is plugged into Displayport and USB3, and powered - check
  • Controllers are on - check
  • Enabled the Steam beta - check
  • SteamVR is downloaded - check

Let’s do this! In Steam, I change my “games” filter to “games and tools”, then run SteamVR. Nothing happens. But wait! I see a light from the HMD. Putting it on, I can see a basic, default, VR environment - a grid on the floor, with mountains in the distance, stars overhead and a moon hanging directly above me. Head tracking is fine, and everything is nice and clear, but I can’t actually do anything and I certainly haven’t defined my “play area”, so I’m reluctant to actually launch a VR game at this point, for fear of walking into a table, wall, or through the french windows while they’re closed!

Taking the HMD off, I can see that I have a bunch of errors on my Steam client about how “SteamVR failed to initialize”. Okay then.

The errors must have taken a few seconds to pop up, or they did so as a result of my putting the HMD on. Hmmm.

So… to Google!

Second Attempt

Well, it looks like SteamVR also has a beta branch, which you activate like any game. Go to SteamVR, right click and choose Properties, then hit the Betas tab:

Which to choose though? Well, I’m on Linux, so the answer is pretty obvious! The “temp” worries me, but it’s the only Linux entry, so I choose it anyway. It downloads, I run SteamVR again, it asks for my sudo password (surprising!), and off we go.

Much better!

Now, I get a pop up on the desktop screen asking me to step through a set up process, including defining my play area. Basically, you stand in the centre of your “space”, point your controller at the screen and pull the trigger, then lay both controllers on the ground, then finally you move the controller around the edges of your space, holding down the trigger, to form a virtual box. This box must be at least 1.5m wide and about 2m in length, otherwise the program complains that it’s too small. I had to rejig my room a bit to accommodate that! I think there’s supposed to be a way around that minimum size, but this version of SteamVR literally won’t you press the “next” button unless you hit the minimum, so that’s what I did.

Having done so, I could put on the HMD and I was back at the default landscape. But now there’s an option in the bottom bar called “SteamVR Home”. I click on it with my emulated laser-pointer controller and finally got my first taste of how absolutely incredible VR can be when it’s “done right”.

SteamVR Home is like BigPicture mode, but for VR. It emulates a room which has a balcony space outside overlooking a distant mountain range. Butterflies flutter by, and you can customise the room and the balcony/garden area in a variety of ways. You also have an “avatar” and can invite friends to your room for chat, or as a party set up for games.

I customised my avatar, drew weird shapes with my painting tool, threw the Portal companion cube around a bit, watching it bounce around. It wasn’t until later that I discovered that Steam Home seems to have a problem saving environments, which is a shame. Frankly, until that’s fixed, there’s literally no point in using Home at all. Later on, I’ll end up disabling it completely, which is pretty disappointing.

But I’m here for now, so I tried to launch a game. Any game. But no dice. I could “view details” of games, but there was no launch button. So what’s going on?

Taking off the headset, I see more errors on the desktop. Sheesh. This looks serious.

So… to Google!

Third Attempt

Looked like I already had a lot of these installed, but as the error notes, it’s the 32-bit versions I need. So after a bit of searching on the web and via Synaptic, I get this to go away with a series of apt commands. In summary:

sudo apt install libva-x11-2:i386 libva2:i386 libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0:i386 libxtst6:i386 libgtk2.0-0:i386 libbz2-1.0:i386 libvdpau1:i386

And for good measure, I also do:

sudo apt install libvulkan1:i386 mesa-vulkan-drivers:i386 vulkan-utils:i386

After all that, I’m not getting any errors anymore, which is great. And I have a “Launch game” option in SteamVR Home now! Which does… nothing. At all.

So… (surprise!) to Google!

Fourth Attempt

I’m going to quickly summarise about an hour of frustrating googling/launching/killing/launching/googling here, but ultimately, I resorted to the tried and tested “have you tried switching it off and back on again” method of nerd troubleshooting.

And it almost, kind of, worked.

I start Moss from inside SteamVR Home, and my launch button now fades the Home environment away, and I’m now in the default environment, with a floating banner that says “Up Next: Moss”.

However, after a disappointing couple of minutes, it’s clearly not doing anything.

So… (you know the drill by now) to Google!

Fifth Attempt

Okay, so it looks like the main issue is that a lot of the games I’m trying to launch are Windows only and perhaps they have to be launched directly from Steam? It looks like SteamVR on Linux doesn’t know how to handle Proton titles from “within” the SteamVR environment.

So, I fire up SteamVR, leaving it in the default environment (not SteamVR Home), then I hit the “play” button on Moss on my desktop.

It works! Almost. No sound! But the game launched and it’s my first “real” VR gaming experience. I don’t spend long with Moss though, as it’s clear that it’s a narrative-driven experience and I don’t want to ruin it by playing without sound.

So why are my Index speakers not working?

So… to Google!

Sixth Attempt

Well, this was over an hour of trying various things - mainly running

tail -f /var/log/kern.log

... and then unplugging the USB3 connector and plugging it back in, and watching the output in the terminal. It’s definitely recognising all the devices - the HMD, the twin cameras on the HMD, the microphone, the speakers… but for some reason that's not translating to an actual device in my sound control panel.

Long (really, really long, another hour or two maybe) story short - it looks like my multi-monitor set up was interfering here. I noticed that the speakers’ description is “HDMI / DP 5”, which is the same port number my second screen uses.  When I unplugged my second monitor, the Index speakers appeared in my sound’s control panel. I have sound!

Perhaps this issue is related to https://github.com/ValveSoftware/SteamVR-for-Linux/issues/348

Who knows? Who cares! They work!

Kind of… they’re actually crackling and hissing on certain channels. I notice this in Moss when certain music plays, on the sound effect when you push/pull objects, and most annoying of all, when the narrator speaks.

So… to Google!

Seventh Attempt

Okay, quicker fix for this one. A weird fix, but it works. All you have to do after starting SteamVR, is start the PulseAudio Volume Control (I had to install it first, of course, it’s rarely included by default, at least on Ubuntu derivatives). And, that’s it. That’s all you do. You go from hissing/crackling sound to crystal clear sound on your Index… by opening that app. I have no words.

Later on, I’ll discover that by changing my primary, now singular monitor from HDMI to DisplayPort, I seem to get pretty consistent, crystal-clear sound without resorting to opening the Pulse Audio volume control. But for now, I’m just delighted it works.

It’s time to go big. It’s time to try Half Life Alyx.

Or not. Starting the game fails almost immediately with a vriniterror_init_interfacenotfound error. You know what that means? Yep.

So… to Google!

Eighth Attempt

At this point, I’ve probably had the VR set up for around 10 hours, most of which is actually with the HMD sat on my desk as I troubleshoot what the bloody hell is wrong with it. So I’m properly gutted that one of the biggest reasons I bought a VR kit, Half-Life Alyx, doesn’t even start.

After googling for about 20 minutes, all I’ve really found is a Steam Forums post noting that they had to update SteamVR before Alyx would launch. My SteamVR is already up to date though, albeit I’m still on the Linux_Temp build.

I’m desperate though. I can force an update if I change beta tabs! I switch back to SteamVR_beta, wait for the 500Mb download to complete, restart my PC to give it a clean slate, enter my sudo password again (yeah, that’s still weird) and finally start Alyx.

It works.

Indeed, not only does Alyx now work, but my SteamVR “settings” app works too. In fact, so does the desktop reprojection option! So does “reset seating/standing position”! In fact, everything seems to be working now (except the volume slider for some reason)!

Arrival: VR

I’ve now spent around 20 hours in VR, which is a crucial tipping point for me - it took me around 10 hours of soul-destroying googling to get this far. I can’t stress enough the weird dichotomy of running VR on Linux. On one hand, I paid £900 for the full kit, only to spend over a full working day wrestling with awful, incomprehensible issues for which I had little to no context.

On the other hand, now that it’s largely up and running, it’s easily the best money I’ve spent in a long time, because when you use a high quality HMD on a powerful PC and run “built-for-VR” games and software… it’s mind blowing. Truly, literally, game changing.

It’s not perfect, by a long way. The whole “getting started” experience is, as you can see, appalling. Especially on Linux. And even then there’s stuff that just doesn’t work, either well, or at all:

  • The cameras don’t work, as they’re tied to a D3D11 interface which fails on start up. Ironically, you can run guvcview and play about with them there - they’re just standard v4l2 cameras after all! Hopefully they get this fixed soon, but they'd have to rewrite that D3D11 dependency, so I don't expect that to happen quickly.
  • The volume slider on the “Dashboard” does nothing. You have to modify the volume setting on your desktop.
  • You can’t turn off the basestations yet, so make sure you can reach a plug/switch for them.
  • Steam Home doesn’t save any settings/changes you make within it, rendering it largely useless.
  • You can’t launch games from Steam Home, because it doesn’t seem to understand Proton.
  • Two of “The Lab” experiences crash out - “Robot Repair” and “Secret Lab”. They just fail, no idea why. All the others work though. This is also common on Windows, but none of the Windows fixes seem to work on Linux.
  • I can’t use my second monitor any more. This is probably my biggest gripe right now.
  • The Index head phones crackle until you launch pavucontrol (although this appears to be fixed by not using any HDMI on my system at all).
  • Finally, when you run SteamVR, the sound device appears in your sound panel, but it doesn’t switch to that output. Pulseaudio does has an option to auto-switch to “newly detected devices”, but something about the way that SteamVR creates the output channel seems to bypass this. After starting SteamVR, you have to switch the sound output manually.

But in the grand scheme of things, I’m finally really pleased with the overall result. In fact, there’s only one thing that still annoys me (other than losing my multi-monitor set up), and it’s the noise the basestations make when they’re on. It’s a high pitch, and apparently not everyone can hear it, but I appear to be one of the “lucky” few who not only hears it, but can easily hear it from about 3m away. For me it’s not subtle and only starting a game would distract you from the noise they make. So, basestations definitely off while not in use, sadly, which is a bit of a pain given the lack of remote power options on Linux. I have to literally unplug them.

Do I have any regrets? None at all now that I’m “here”. But good god, Valve have a long, long road before this stuff is mainstream. I’m thinking years, given their rate of progress so far. The out of box experience is just simply diabolically poor.

Is this the future of gaming? Yes and no. Yes, once you’ve experienced VR first hand, you’ll realise how fundamentally important and immersive it is. But no, not at this price, and certainly not with this level of hassle from a technical perspective. Also, arguably headsets need to get lighter, and potentially lose the wires too, which is still the biggest restriction/annoyance you’ll face in VR.

The jury is still out on whether VR could be good in an FPS environment too. Apparently Killing Floor 2 has VR support? I’ll maybe give that a shot. Or Dying Light, perhaps? I haven’t tried anything in VR that features traditional movement yet - it’s all jump-based movement, which isn’t as bad as I thought it would be. But I suspect that traditional movement might cause motion sickness, so we’ll see.

But other games work amazingly well in VR. Moss, for example, is just spellbinding. And Elite Dangerous feels like a completely different game in VR.

I just can’t stress it enough, the difference VR makes. You know when you start an FPS game it’s stuck on 1024x768, 70 FOV and with motion blur? Then you figure out how to get 1920x1080, 100 FOV with no motion blur and you’ve gone from a game you literally can’t play to a really beautiful, engaging experience?

Imagine that, but multiplied by a hundred. The idea of playing “flat” Elite Dangerous is now utterly laughable. Like, why would you restrict yourself so needlessly?? I’m being facetious to hammer home the point, because it’s hard to put into words otherwise. It’s THAT spectacular a jump.

To sum up, if you:

  1. Have the money
  2. Have the PC
  3. Have the technical skill
  4. Have the patience

...then VR is a fantastic experience when it’s all working. But you have to have all four, I think, before it’s a sure fire recommendation.

Here's the games I've tried that work near-enough perfectly:

  • Half-life: Alyx
  • Beat Saber
  • Moss
  • Smashbox Arena
  • The Lab (although noting that two experiments crash)
  • Elite Dangerous
  • Space Pirate Trainer
  • Superhot VR
  • Gorn
  • Waltz of the Wizard
  • Sheaf - Together EP

And a couple of games that don't work:

  • Project Cars 2 doesn't recognise the HMD at all.
  • Overload doesn't recognise the HMD at all.
Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
About the author -
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I'm Neil, an avid Linux user since 2006 and a Linux-only gamer since 2013. I used to contribute to GOL's Funding Crowd articles, but now contribute the odd article directly, most recently the Play It Now series, and the IYL articles.

I also occasionally dabble a bit in Python, I do Internet Security for a living and finally, I'm a big fan of Neil Degrasse Tyson. And not just because he has a cool first name.
See more from me
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mborse 12 Aug 2020
20 hours of fiddling is soul destroying? People have it easy these days.
In my days we had to flip bits by switches manually. On a more serious note, you do have it easy these days, you have the internet, and for sure someone somewhere ran into the same problem before you do.
A luxury we didn't had. On the other side, we didn't had VR or Alyx either, so there's that.
Thanks for the article and for sticking with it, and don't despair. If after 20 days you're still stuck, then there's a problem.
Corben 12 Aug 2020
Welcome to VR @scaine!

Nice to see you got all your issues resolved, though as with Patola, it worked for me out of the box. I just recently got new hardware and did a clean install of Ubuntu 20.04. And I can't remember having that many issues. Maybe I had to install the 32 bit libraries manually, but as those are pointed out in the dialog it wasn't too bad.

Maybe Steam is also syncing some settings, as I disabled Steam VR Home and start the games from the dashboard. I didn't have to disable it again after the clean install. So maybe other settings that have been problematic for me before (I used an HTC Vive before) are cloud saved as well.

I'm interested in your Elite: Dangerous VR experience. Does it work for you for a longer time? For me it crashes after a while. Pancake (as in flat like a pancake, i.e. non-VR) version works without any issues.

If you like rhythm based games like Beat Saber, I can recommend to take a look some other rhythm based games, like Synth Riders, Pistol Whip and OhShape. They all work out of the box, and can give you a nice workout as well ;)

edit: just go with the beta branch, the linux_temp was a workaround branch, which isn't needed anymore iirc.

Last edited by Corben on 12 Aug 2020 at 11:33 am UTC
scaine 12 Aug 2020
  • Contributing Editor
  • Mega Supporter
20 hours of fiddling is soul destroying? People have it easy these days.
In my days we had to flip bits by switches manually. On a more serious note, you do have it easy these days, you have the internet, and for sure someone somewhere ran into the same problem before you do.
A luxury we didn't had. On the other side, we didn't had VR or Alyx either, so there's that.
Thanks for the article and for sticking with it, and don't despair. If after 20 days you're still stuck, then there's a problem.

My profile picture was taken about 3 years ago, but I'm nearly 50 now and for precisely the reasons you describe, I have very little patience for fiddling about with stuff. Especially stuff I've paid nearly a thousand pounds for!

I do vividly remember getting my first 14k modem and dialling into Compuserve to see if I could glean an answer to a particularly nasty Netware IPX issue I was experiencing on the company network. The internet changed everything, eh?
Beamboom 12 Aug 2020
Interesting, and quite sad to read actually. It worked out of the box for me too, but I'm also on Ubuntu (19.10 when setting up Index, 20.04 now) with Nividia GPU.

In fact I was astonished over how well it worked out of the box. I was up and running from within the first hour.
I recall some issues with stuttering that disappeared with a driver upgrade, and I also remember that I had to start the setup/playfield config manually, as I somehow managed to skip the setup procedure.

But other than that... Very smooth sailing for me too. I use the main SteamVR branch, not beta.

But I guess this goes as a warning for other stacks than the Steam supported desktop environment!

Last edited by Beamboom on 12 Aug 2020 at 11:44 am UTC
scaine 12 Aug 2020
  • Contributing Editor
  • Mega Supporter
I went through the same attempts you made, had an AMD rig and bought the Valve Index, and I strongly disagree with you, my experience on Ubuntu 20.04 was almost completely seamless out of the box, only thing I had to change is the order of DP connections on my GPU otherwise the PC would not boot. Thing is, you are not using the mainstream distro (Ubuntu), although you are using a derivative of one, so you are not telling the testimony of "how poor Valve Index works out of the box on Linux" but instead "how poor Valve Index works out of the box on Linux Mint". I, for one, don't think Valve should be spending money on testing all linux distros (and this it not even self-interest because I'm moving to Arch from Ubuntu). Also, you are using a backlevel Linux Mint (latest is 20), and since latest drivers and software is currently crucial to the linux gaming experience, you would have a poorer experience anyway (and this specially important to the GPU you have, Mint 19.3's default drivers can even make your GPU have a hardware fault and burn for good -- hope you at least use a newer kernel, 5.7+).
Yeah, I should have noted that in the article - because I'm using such new AMD kit, I switched to the mainline kernel, 5.7. Yesterday, I switched to 5.8. As for Mint, when I wrote this article, Mint 20 was just out and Mint takes a few weeks after release to support in-place upgrades. I was only notified of that being available a few days ago.

When I ran SteamVR for the first time, it worked out of the box. Also, it seems earlier versions of SteamVR had a bug where they would not switch the default sink to the VR but in the latest SteamVR beta, it works every time (and I have an indicator app to ease switching sinks anyway, due to the many audio devices I have).
Good to know. The Mint sound chooser is pretty bog standard, so I wonder what's happening here.

And last but not least, change to the "SteamVR beta" branch, not linux_temp. SteamVR beta works great, although it had a bug in Fallout 4 VR where it would not show the in-game virtual keyboard (don't know if this bug is still there).
I did, as I noted in the article. So much of this experience is "beta" though, which is kind of my point about VR on Linux generally. Things only "work out the box" if you know what you're doing - changing GPU order, going into the beta tabs, etc.

Ah! And from your games: Overload works perfectly here in VR with Proton-5.0-9. Most "VR-supported" games work this way, they only have a VR build for Windows.
I'm not sure why VR-supported games aren't detecting my SteamVR. Again, maybe this is Mint specific. I'll look into, but I have so many Made-For-VR games, that it's not really a problem (yet).
omer666 12 Aug 2020
Thanks for the article!
I may be more of a terminal guy than you are, but the issues you describe would get on my nerves very quickly nevertheless.
A little question, how does the RX 5700 XT fare in VR, performance-wise?
Beamboom 12 Aug 2020
Also, actually you don't have to use SteamVR beta. Standard SteamVR stable branch was working on Ubuntu when I got my kit in April 30.

Last I checked the non-beta were actually a better experience. So I've stayed on the main branch since then.

And by the way, Scaine, the missing 32lib messages only appeared for me when I tried to click on the other info board (not the board you start games from), on the "more info" buttons. That didn't work back then, and I've not tried since.
But that's the only context where I've had that warning window pop up.

Last edited by Beamboom on 12 Aug 2020 at 12:18 pm UTC
Dragosak 12 Aug 2020

Thing is, you are not using the mainstream distro (Ubuntu), although you are using a derivative of one, so you are not telling the testimony of "how poor Valve Index works out of the box on Linux" but instead "how poor Valve Index works out of the box on Linux Mint".


Please reassess what you consider "mainstream". Mint is higher on distrowatch than Ubuntu for instance and used to be number one there. Does it mean it's more popular? Probably not, but it is pretty popular and mainstream. Also, with the same package base it's basically Ubuntu 18.04 with some different skinning, tooling and without some weird ubuntu choices.

I'm a software dev I run lots of different things. I follow the Ubuntu instructions everywhere. This hasn't failed me even _once_ in 5+years because of some difference between Ubuntu and Mint.

Which makes the argument 18.04 vs. 20.04 for which I agree, cutting edge stuff is probably better on 20.04... unless it sometimes isn't. Ubuntu are the ones who initially wanted to drop 32-bit library support. I also wouldn't recommend most "normal" consumers to upgrade to 20.04 quickly. For Mint, the majority of people is still at 19.x, some are even still at 18.x https://blog.linuxmint.com/?p=3953

As such I'd say this is a good "what can a normal consumer expect going into this" - while a writer at GoL is clearly more advanced and as we can see from the answers also made some significant updates.
Liam Dawe 12 Aug 2020
  • Admin
Mint is higher on distrowatch than Ubuntu for instance and used to be number one there
Never go by Distrowatch, it's a terrible metric. However, in our own stats and Steam's stats, it very clearly is a mainstream distribution. Mint has always been very popular. So I agree there that saying it's not is a bit ridiculous.
ElectroDD 12 Aug 2020
Concerning the motion sickness in FPS, I tried alien isolation.
It's not motion sickness you experience, but the strange feeling that your legs are not moving while you move creating a feeling of weirdness in your brain and you kind of lose sense of orientation and tend to believe you're falling.
It takes some hours (2-3 for me ) to adjust, but after that, really neat experience even though the VR experience is kind of experimental in it, you get the free movement experience non the less.
It was on an occulus rift first gen on windows when I still was running win10.
scaine 12 Aug 2020
  • Contributing Editor
  • Mega Supporter
Please reassess what you consider "mainstream". Mint is higher on distrowatch than Ubuntu for instance and used to be number one there. Does it mean it's more popular? Probably not, but it is pretty popular and mainstream. Also, with the same package base it's basically Ubuntu 18.04 with some different skinning, tooling and without some weird ubuntu choices.
Distrowatch is not a good measure of a distribution being mainstream or popular. For Steam specifically, the Steam Hardware Survey is much more relevant and in there Ubuntu 20.04 is the supreme leader, with almost 20%, Ubuntu 18.04 being second with ~13%. But specifically, Ubuntu is the distro officially supported by Steam and the games (besides SteamOS that is almost irrelevant these days), and we would assume that's where they test their games to work. Valve was going to drop support for Ubuntu due to the 32-bit-libs debacle, but gave up on it when Canonical took steps to extend the longevity of these libraries -- and 20.04 mostly works with them yet.

I am not saying I agree with Canonical, I am not saying I wish everyone to use Ubuntu and I myself am pretty disappointed with Canonical (I expressed my anger towards them in some messages, you might find those occasionally), but let's be real, it is close enough to a good standard desktop experience on Linux, and I find it sensible that developers use it for their testing and support. I would even recommend it to new users even though I am myself moving away from it.

Well, as an Ubuntu-only Linux'er since the Breezy Badger in 2005, and an official Ask Ubuntu "top responder", I was seriously invested. But I was gutted by the last two releases - ditching Unity was a huge blow, the adoption of Snap didn't sit well, especially after the Mir fiasco, and then the whole 32-bit support drama... oof. And I just can't enjoy my desktop when it's Gnome3. It doesn't gel, despite my giving it 6 months to do so.

But Mint! Holy cow, what a slick, beautiful experience it is. Better... better(!) than Unity, in my opinion. I have fallen in love with my desktop all over again. So, giving up Mint for a slightly better VR experience isn't on the cards, I'm afraid!

And ultimately, it's pretty much Ubuntu under the hood anyway, or so I thought. I'm gonna upgrade to Mint 20 today and retry some of my bullet points to see if I can solve them. I might switch from OIBAF to the Steam ACO branch too, to see if that helps.

I note here that audio switching is currently unsupported, so I'd be keen to hear how you fixed that, Patola! Thanks!

I'll report back in a bit.
beko 12 Aug 2020
Concerning the motion sickness in FPS, I tried alien isolation.
It's not motion sickness you experience, but the strange feeling that your legs are not moving while you move creating a feeling of weirdness in your brain and you kind of lose sense of orientation and tend to believe you're falling.
Sounds like Space Adaptation Syndrome. Does this compare? The description I mean. You've probably also never been to space before
sub 12 Aug 2020

I haven't been using the Index for almost 2 weeks by now.
Was it bearable during the heat wave we currently have?

I could hardly stand the massive sweating when it was way cooler.
fabertawe 12 Aug 2020
Great article and quite entertaining I'd love to go VR but need to upgrade CPU and GPU before that can even be considered. One consolation of late(r) adoption is it should all work better by then.

One question please: do you need Pulseaudio for this? I'm running Jack but do occasionally fall back to just ALSA for some games.
sub 12 Aug 2020
Concerning the motion sickness in FPS, I tried alien isolation.
It's not motion sickness you experience, but the strange feeling that your legs are not moving while you move creating a feeling of weirdness in your brain and you kind of lose sense of orientation and tend to believe you're falling.
It takes some hours (2-3 for me ) to adjust, but after that, really neat experience even though the VR experience is kind of experimental in it, you get the free movement experience non the less.
It was on an occulus rift first gen on windows when I still was running win10.

Btw, is there a way to get Alien Isolation running with VR on the Index?
(A way that someone has tried and can confirm it is working well.)
scaine 12 Aug 2020
  • Contributing Editor
  • Mega Supporter
Great article and quite entertaining I'd love to go VR but need to upgrade CPU and GPU before that can even be considered. One consolation of late(r) adoption is it should all work better by then.

One question please: do you need Pulseaudio for this? I'm running Jack but do occasionally fall back to just ALSA for some games.

Thanks! I'm afraid I can't answer your query about jack audio. I can't see that it would matter, particularly, though, as long as you have a way to switch to the Index speakers somehow, I suspect it would be fine.
ElectroDD 12 Aug 2020
Concerning the motion sickness in FPS, I tried alien isolation.
It's not motion sickness you experience, but the strange feeling that your legs are not moving while you move creating a feeling of weirdness in your brain and you kind of lose sense of orientation and tend to believe you're falling.
Sounds like Space Adaptation Syndrome. Does this compare? The description I mean. You've probably also never been to space before

Sounds like that. One way I found to ease the feeling and not fall while standing ( I almost tripped myself while standing ), is to make a step forward, and stay that way ( don't know how to describe t better in english, i'm french please forgive me xD ). Feet spread not sideway but on the front and the back, like you want to walk.
Then when you start to wlk in the game in a direction, you'll naturally put your weight on the front or back leg, you'll still feel the discomfort but at least, you won't fall because your brain tell your body to.

As for the index and alien isolation, don't know... I don't have this kind of money available, I bought a second hand occulus to experience VR on the cheap 2 years ago ^^
jens 12 Aug 2020
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Thanks a lot for the detailed description. I’m trying to follow the VR progress on Linux, but that turned out not that easy. So thanks for giving a complete picture.

I’m thinking about getting an index myself, eventually in combination with one of the soon to be released nvidia cards. I’m currently just running an Intel I7-6850K. Is that processor still strong enough? I’m also considering just the headset and two base stations but not the controllers since I’m mostly interested in racing games (like ACC) and games like ED but not so much in FPS. I guess the controllers aren’t needed for completing the setup?

About async reprojection, how much limiting is the non existence of that feature for nvidia owners?

Last edited by jens on 12 Aug 2020 at 1:53 pm UTC
beko 12 Aug 2020
Sounds like that. One way I found to ease the feeling and not fall while standing ( I almost tripped myself while standing ), is to make a step forward, and stay that way ( don't know how to describe t better in english, i'm french please forgive me xD ). Feet spread not sideway but on the front and the back, like you want to walk.
Then when you start to wlk in the game in a direction, you'll naturally put your weight on the front or back leg, you'll still feel the discomfort but at least, you won't fall because your brain tell your body to.
Nice, thanks :) I think this is referred to as "lowering your weight" - or center of mass - in sports.
benjamimgois 12 Aug 2020
I didn't think so many people had a Valve index... My experience with VR is limited to the Gear VR on my S8+, is the experience in a index much diferent ? I always felt some kind of motion sickness on the gearVR after a fill minutes of use, i guess this gaves me a bad impression of VR in general.
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