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Turn your favourite NES games into 3D with 3dSen Maker, for 3dSen PC

By - | Views: 14,943

Back in June, the awesome emulator 3dSen PC was released, which gave us a whole new way to play classic NES titles into fully 3D environments. Now, you can make profiles for your favourites.

Honestly, it's a bit like magic. It works, very well too and genuinely looks really cool. One of those things that comes along and just blows your mind technically. Not only 3D, it also has modern gamepad support, saves states and things you would expect from a modern emulator. Need a reminder on how it looks? Check this out:

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The problem is, each NES game needs a special profile for 3dSen PC to work with. This can be time consuming, so 3dSen PC released with a limited amount of supported titles.

However, Geod Studio just released 3dSen Maker free on so anyone can download and create their own profiles and tweak them to their liking for any NES title they can get their hands on. It includes profiles for SMB, SMB3, Legend of Zelda, Micro Mages as references to get you started and see how ready-made profiles work.

Have a look at the 3dSen Maker example video:

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Massinissa Aug 26, 2020
Do they plan to make an SNES version of the emulator ? 3D Chrono Trigger <3
dpanter Aug 26, 2020
If you are interested, make sure you read the documentation and swing by the 3dSen Maker community for manuals, video guides, script examples, 3dn profiles etc. Also recommended to drop into the Discord! Making profiles is not easy so having some friendly company can help. :)

Quoting: MassinissaSNES version of the emulator ?
No. Converting 16-bit systems graphics in a similar fashion is too complicated. Other 8-bit systems are possible. Truc (developer) has expressed interest in a Gameboy version but there are no firm plans currently.
dr_jekyll Aug 26, 2020
Quoting: MassinissaDo they plan to make an SNES version of the emulator ? 3D Chrono Trigger <3

That would be fantastic .

Quoting: dpanterConverting 16-bit systems graphics in a similar fashion is too complicated.

Any further explanation on this?
dpanter Aug 27, 2020
Quoting: dr_jekyll
Quoting: dpanterConverting 16-bit systems graphics in a similar fashion is too complicated.
Any further explanation on this?
Even if it was technically possible on some level, it would not be practically nor realistically doable.
Higher resolution, color blending, dithering etc. Just think of all the different extra chips the SNES cartridges had. Things like Mode 7 would be a stone cold nightmare. We've spoken about it several times in the Discord and Truc doesn't have plans for any 16-bit system.

The achievement of creating 3dSen in the first place is remarkable. Truc gave some interviews before 3dSen release, one on TechLater and one for Youtuber St1ka where he basically states '16-bit graphics are too complex'.
dr_jekyll Aug 29, 2020
Quoting: dpanter
Quoting: dr_jekyll
Quoting: dpanterConverting 16-bit systems graphics in a similar fashion is too complicated.
Any further explanation on this?
Even if it was technically possible on some level, it would not be practically nor realistically doable.
Higher resolution, color blending, dithering etc. Just think of all the different extra chips the SNES cartridges had. Things like Mode 7 would be a stone cold nightmare. We've spoken about it several times in the Discord and Truc doesn't have plans for any 16-bit system.

The achievement of creating 3dSen in the first place is remarkable. Truc gave some interviews before 3dSen release, one on TechLater and one for Youtuber St1ka where he basically states '16-bit graphics are too complex'.

Ok, thank you.
Still I would think that it's doable, its just 2D graphics and I don't see much difference to zelda on nes, which runs in 3dsen.
But then again I am no programmer and as it has taken the developer of 3dsen some years to finish this, it might be more complicated than I think it is.
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